I Love Taylor Lautner More Than You

Happy Birthday

"That smell. A kind of smelly smell. The smelly smell that smells...smelly." David looked over and me and scowled before running off.

"David Stolder! You aren't suppose to go in the Pull-up." I yelled after him

"Nah nah nah nah boo boo, you can't catch me." he said

I rolled my eyes before jogging after him. It's funny how little kids think they can run fast. Moments later I had him in my arms. He giggled as I held his body away from mine and brought him to the bathroom. I set him down.

"Come on." I said expecting him to properly use the bathroom.

"No I'm scared" I sounded more like sced "It'll eat me"

I rubbed the back off my neck,the habit that had rubbed off Taylor to me. I leaned down to his height and stared into his blue eyes.

"Your a big boy,and big boys don't have diapers." A feeling of apprehensiveness swept over me. He'd be starting school in a couple of months and there a "Must be Potty Trained Policy". Must boys be so slow at everything. I looked over at David waiting for him to respond or shake his head or something. When he didn't respond I scratched my head.

"Well I guess you need a bath." I said


Contently David wanted to dress himself. I didn't really have anything better to do to watch him come down with is "awesome" outfits which he calls them. I actually get a kick out off the outfits he puts together; It's like having a Lady Gaga of my own. I pulled out a bowl and some pancake mix. I poured the ingredients in the bowl and began whisking them. I heard the front door open and went toward the fridge to grab some eggs.

"Aaaaaaahhh!" I heard someone sing behind me. I turned around to see what was happening

"Happy,happy birthday. Today's your special day. Your are now nineteen seven. Now blow the flame away!"

I stared at Serena incredulously with a smile plastered on my face.

"Nineteen seven?" I question

Serena rolled her eyes.

"I needed something to fill the gap." she said looking at her hand. Seconds later she looked up and ran toward me attack me with a hug.

"Happy Birthday!" she said holding me rather tightly.

I grinned only because I couldn't breath. She let go of me before I could protest. I walked away from her and went back to the bowl and began whisking the batter.

"Surprise!" Serena yelled suddenly. I turned to look at her she had her hands gestured at the kitchen doorway. I eyed her suspiously before turning back to the pancakes.

"I said surprise!" Serena said impatiently with clenched teeth. I shook my head at her nonsense.

"Happy Birthday Ashley." A familiar husky voice said.

I froze in my spot then got knocked to my sense. I'm pretty sure I gave my self whiplash. I dropped the whisk and batter splattered all over my legs. I controlled myself from letting out a scream. There stood Taylor. He wore a yellow plaid shirt paired with some dark jeans along with some converses. In his left hand he held a bouquet of assorted flowers and balloons. My mouth fell open as a ran over to him,hugging him with all my might. I didn't think we'd fall over.

" I... missed... you... so... much!" I said between kisses

"Me too." he captured my lips in a long kiss. I broke away first excited to speak with him more,actually it still felt weird to be kissing him if I really think back to what happened last year.

"I thought you wouldn't be back till next week?" I said sitting up on his lap holding him tightly.

"Well I lied." he said grinning. I stared into his brown eyes and hugged him again. Taylor grunted.

" I leave for a month and you turn into a football player." Taylor shook his head." I think I have a concussion."

"Oh I'm sorry" I said sweetly kissing his forehead. He tilted his head upwards meeting my lip. I shudder racked threw my body when he tongue slid across my bottom lip. I gladly let him in.

"Wow I'm glad I'm loved. You stupid actor, can't even come in one cue." Serena's muttered.

I reluctantly pulled away from him and smiled at Serena and her jealousy issues. When I looked up all the balloons Taylor was previously holding had floated up to the ceiling. The balloon strings tickled my face.

"Real smooth." I said looking over at the smushed flowers under Taylor hand. He laughed.

"Sorry I wasn't ready for your tackling." he said helping me up. I hugged him again whenIi was standing,savoring what time I had with him knowing it wouldn't last.

"What are you doing here anyways?" I asked curiously. he pulled away from me and bent over to pick up the flowers. I winked at Serena and pointed at his exposed butt. Serena rolled her eyes as she held back a laugh,she knew Simon wouldn't approve.

"Isn't your movie coming out in like a week?" I questioned taking the flowers from him

"Yeah, I escaped I just had to see you before I got really busy with the premiere and everything."

I blushed and smiled pretty dorkishly, I was glad my back was turned from him. I found a vase and filled it with some cool water and put the half-alive flowers in the vase. I felt hands wrap around my waist and I smiled when I felt a pair of warm lips kiss my neck.

"I have a lot planned for today, I hope your ready." he whispered in my ear. I smiled as I stared down at the flowers and arranged them to perfection.

"I don't mean to mess up your plans or whatever, but you know I have a job." I said sympathetically as I turned to look at him. To my dismay his face dropped,which caused me to frown.

"Then I'll wait." he said

"But I get off at like 6!" I exclaimed. It's not that I'm trying to push him away, it's just he will be waiting a really long time and that time won't be with me.

"What I tell you about trying to push me away." he said reading my thought. I open my mouth to reply but couldn't think of anything.

"It will just give me more time to plan this day." he said grabbing my hips and pulling my closer to him. I sighed.

"Fine." I said with a smile

"Good" he whispered kissing me again

I wrapped my hands around his neck as I pulled him closer. Taylor grunted before pulling away.

"Hey?" I said questioning his hesitation. Taylor gestured to the the side off me and looked down. I followed his gaze and saw my brother with hardest frown on his face. I cracked a smile when I realized what he was wearing. He wore his old dinosaur costume from last year. He frowned up at Taylor before punching him in the leg.

"David!" I chastised stepping in front of Taylor. He responded with a "hmp".

"Why are you wearing your halloween costume?" Serena asked

"Because!" David answered

"Come on." Serena said letting her hand "Let's go change." As they left the room David turned and glared at Taylor.

When they left it also left a awkward silence. It was really obvious that David didn't like him. Taylor rubbed the back of his neck before looking over at me.

"It's okay he'll warm up to you." I said removing his hand from his neck and rubbing his knuckles with my thumb. Taylor smiled coyly.

"Who wants pancakes?" I said smiling.


I nervously rubbed my hands in my lap. I watched David play with a bunch of colorful blocks. "Ashley come play with me." he said cheerily. I smiled "Not right not baby. I don't know when but he had stopped calling my Mommy. "Okay" he said. I was nervous. I let out a shaky breath they had just asked David some questioned and who knows how he answered. I bit the inside of my lip to stop the rushing of thoughts from coming. I was a good sister and I took really good care of him. There isn't anything possibly wrong that I could have done.I heard the door open behind me and the clatter of heels. My jaw clenched and I inhaled and exhaled quickly. I stared at Johanne's profile as she made her way in front of me. She took her seat in front off me and a gave mea fake smile.

"Hi Ms.Stolder,How are you today?" she said giving me her hand.

I'd be better off not here I thought.

"Fine and you?" I said shaking her hand

"Fine thank you. Let's get down to business." She said as she opened her paper work. She adjusted her eyeglasses and skimmed through the paper. Her brown eyes met mine seconds later. She glanced over at David who was had created a tiny village with the blocks.

"You will be applying him to pre-school soon. Correct?" she said

Of course school hadn't slipped my mind it was really important

"Yeah,Yes He'll be starting in a while."

"Good,and I'll make sure of that." She said threatingly

And I'll make sure of that. I mocked in my head.

"Excuse me!" A whiny voice knocked my out of my day dream

'Oh crap, I'm sorry what would you like?" I lifted my hand and it dripped with pickle juice. I grimaced as I wiped my soaked hand on the Subway aprom.

"God damn it. Finally." She spoke in whiny voice." she murmured under her breath. I pursed my lips and bit my tongue trying to stop what I had to say about her from coming out.

"Okay I want that,that,a little of those, and some of that on rye bread, Toasted. Try not to burn for me okay mate. And a low fat ice tea." She placed 4 bills on the tabletop. I felt like slapping that stupid australian accent of her face,but instead I smiled. She walked away and took a seat with a guy about her age. I angrily put her sandwich together debating on spitting in it or not. I snorted a little ready to do it.

"Hey" someone said from behind me

"Yeah" I responded closing the sandwich. I looked up and met a pair of green eyes the guy who was sitting with that bratty australian.

"Can I help you?" I asked

" I just want to apologize on behalf of my bitchy cousin." He said stuffing his hands in his pockets

" I guess it's alright." I said as I stuffed her sand witch in the brown paper bag and handing it to him the sandwich. I went over to the fridge and pulled out a ice tea, I unscrewed the cap and spit in it before closing the cap tightly,I closed it.

"Just don't tell her I spit in her drink." I said handing it over to him.

The guy's mouth was open and his eyes widened. Seconds later he turned and headed back to his seat.


My shift was over and my feet ached so horribly and I smelt like pickles. I frowned as I waited in front of subways for my ride. My phone vibrated and I didn't bother look at who had sent it, I knew it was Taylor coming to get me.

Hey I'm outside.

I slid my phone in my pocket slung my bag over my shoulder and left the restaurant. I sucked in a breath when I saw a black Mercedes. Simon's eyes seemed to burn into me, I found it slightly awkward sense I was going out with Taylor. I slipped into the passenger seat and smiled at him.

"Hi birthday girl." He said kissing me on the cheek

"Hi" I said smiling

It was quiet for a while. I really didn't know what to say to him.

"No offense or anything, but I thought Taylor was coming to get me."

" Me too,but it looks like Serena is pushing him to be really mushy." Simon said looking over at me

"Perfect." I said sarcastically. Simon chuckled,minutes later we arrived at the house. I got out the same time as Simon did and was walked over to the porch. I made my hand in a fist about to knock on the door since I had forgotten my keys.

"Wait," Simon called out grabbing my wrist

"What is it?" I asked taking my wrist back and cradling it in my chest

"I got you something?" slowly he reached in his pocket and pulled out something. I put his palm out to me. When I looked at it I gasped and took it out of his hand.

"If I sell this on eBay will you be angry? Simon, it's beautiful."

Awkwardly Simon blushed and rested his hand on the back of his neck.

"I'm glad you like it." he said as he knocked on the door. I smiled as I put it in the safety of my bag.

The door opened and Serena appeared.

"Hey B day girl." She said welcoming me inside. When I got inside Serena kept Simon at the door and kissed him deeply, his hands slowly wrapped her waist. I actually didn't want to be rude and interrupt but, I didn't see Taylor anywhere. I pang in my chest made me swallow when I thought of the worst; like he had left me or something.

"Um...Is Taylor still here?" I asked worried

Serena abruptly pulled away from Simon leaving him looking dazed.

"Oh he left."she said easily

I grinded my teeth together as I paused to really think about what I had just heard. I'm going to kill that bastard. I thought

"No, I mean he left and he's at the um...special place for your birthday."

I glared at Serena for leaving out that major detail.

"Get upstairs.Change.He's waiting." she said shooing me.

I smiled as I turned away from her climbing the stairs. First thing first,shower. I slipped of my close and tossed them in the hamper. I stood in the shower and let the cold water run down me. After a few minutes I jumped out and headed for my room. When I turned on the lights I saw some clothing that wasn't there this morning. A beautiful tan and black dress lay neatly on the bed. On the top half a pretty design was embodied on it, around the waist was a silky ribbon the bottom half was decorated with neatly creased ruffles. I held the dress up and stared at it.

"Serena!" I yelled

I waited until I heard footsteps running up the stairs.

"What is it?" she asked

"Yes what is this?" I questioned at the dress

"Let's not fight about this. I rather not fight you into the dress. Call me when your done getting dress so I can curl your hair." Then she left the room

I was left shocked at her forwardness as she shut the door. I shook my head as I began to get dressed.


Serena had done my make up and was putting the finishing touches on my hair.

"Ugh I look like a frilly girl." I said teasingly

"Oh shut up." she said smiling at me from the mirror .She set the curling iron on the table.

"There finished" she said

"Yay" I said looking at my self. I looked perfect. Too perfect.

"Wait hold on,let me get the hair spray." she said turning her back to me. I quickly shook out my hair and when she turned back around she gasped.

"What the hell Ashley?" she asked

"What?" I responded innocently

"Getting Older huh? But really getting less mature." she mumbled as she began to spray. She sprayed and sprayed until I began to cough.

"Good thing none of us have asthma." I said sarcastically

"Well you need to go. Get your shoes one." Serena said

I slipped on the shoes.

"Oh yeah!" I said remembering the neck lass. I grabbed my bag and pulled out the necklace.

"Ohh..Where you get the bling? It really pretty!" she said stepping toward me

"Simon." I said as I put it on

"Oh." she merely said

I felt a weird tenseness between us.

"Jealous?" I said trying to is the tension

She cracked a smile that didn't quite reach her face. I bit my bottom lip. The doorbell rang and I just stood there.

"Well go!" she said suddenly excited

I slowly walked down the stairs, suddenly feeling nervous. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Taylor greeted me with a smile.

"Come on. Really trying to be tall?" he asked

"Shut up!" I said angrily

"I'm kidding you look beautiful." he said taking my hand

"You look beautiful too." I said chessily

"Let's be on our way birthday girl!" he said pulling my hand

*Fast forward to date*

Taylor pulled up to a gazebo. It was lit with a million of lights and it overlooked a lake. It was beautiful.

"Your hopeless." I said squeezing his hand

"If you mean hopeless romantic then you should already know that,unless all that research you did was just a waste." he said squeezing my hand back

He let go off my hand and got off the car. I took that as my cue and also got out. I smoothed down my dress and met him at the front of the car. We walked hand and hand to the gazebo, this was just like a piece out of a fairytale. I looked over at Taylor and smiled. I kissed his cheek. He looked over at me and smiled.

"What was that for?" he asked

"For making me happy." I said

"We haven't even done anything yet." he said

"I don't care you've made me happy so far."

"And you call me hopeless." he said teasingly as he shook his head

"Watch you ste-"

I tripped on the first step of the gazebo and fell on my stomach. Taylor laughed as he helped my up.

"How's the weather down there shorty? I mean are you okay?" he said

I gave him the middle finger which made him crack up harder. I shook him off and got up on my on and pouted angrily.

"Are you mad at me?" Taylor said smiling he came up behind touching the small of my back. I didn't answer him. Taylor rolled his eyes. The was a table in the middle off the gazebo with two chairs. I took a seat at one of them and pouted as I crossed my arms around my chest. Taylor came in front of me smiling nervously. I stared up at him nervously. He pulled out something from his pocket and placed it in front of me. I stared in confusion at a hundred dollar bill.

"Now you have to love me forever." he said

I tilted my head.

"Are you paying me to love you?" I said a tiny bit of anger came into my voice.

"Yes, yes I am." he said I stood up ready to tell him off. But, as I stood he bent down on one knee. Again his hand went to his pocket and he pulled out a red box, and opening it for me to see.

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okay. It's been forever but I hope I still have your support! Comment and/or message me!