I Love Taylor Lautner More Than You

Meet the Parents

Serena's POV

I felt a sudden surge of jealously flow through my veins. Simon, my boyfriend, had gotten Ashley my best friends, A beautiful diamond necklace. I knew for a fact that Ash wasn't interested. But maybe,just maybe Simon was interested. That little theory tore me apart. I ran a hand through my newly shortened hair and let out a frustrated sigh. What am I going to do? I thought.

Ashley's POV

My eyes widened about 5 times wider then they should be. I moved backwards away from him without knowing and fell back into my chair with and "ompf".

"Wha-What are you doing?" I stuttered stupidly.

Taylor shook his head and chuckled as if me nearly dying from a heart attack is funny. I was suddenly at a lost of saliva. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water.

"Relax." he said setting the ring on the table and grabbing my sweaty hands. I'm pretty sure this was any girls dream to marry him. Him as in Taylor Lautner. But, I've never seen him as someone as I should freak out over,just another guy I fell for. Not to mention I'm to young to be married.

"This is just happening to fast." I said looking anywhere but his face. I slowly tried to pull my hands out of his and the moisture,from my sweat,was working. I was just trying to ease the tension that I was rejecting him but he just held tightly onto my fingers and grasped my hands again.

"I'm not asking you to marry me." he said

I let out a long sigh before punching him in the shoulder.

"Ow!" he shouted loudly; I watched as he rubbed the sore spot.

"Sorry, but you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I reached over for a glass on the table and put the cool object to my lips and sipped the water. I finished the water and looked at Taylor thoughtfully. He stared up at me patiently with his hands in my lap.

"I don't know if I should be offended..." he said with a small smile on his face.

"Oh..No, Taylor I love you." I accidently blurted out. I felt all the blood in my body just rush to my cheeks. My hands had somehow latched onto his shoulders. I swallowed again and reluctantly stared into his eyes. This was bound to happen sometime. I slightly grimaced whenI looked at his face,holding back a grin of my on. On his face was the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Really?" he asked his eyes glistened

I looked down and nodded.

"I love you too." he whispered as he gently grabbed my chin and brought my lips to his. My heart skipped a beat when he kissed me back passionately. He pulled away and stood up bringing me up with him. Oddly enough my knees felt unstable, he wrapped his arms around me and engulfed me in a tight hug. I let out a mouse like squeak when he lifted me off the ground. He put me down and held onto my hand. With his free hand he grabbed the box with the ring in it. I put my hands up slightly in defense.

"So what's the ring for?" I asked my voice got slightly higher

Taylor shook his head at me."Whoa,you sound like someone who's afraid of commitment." he said half-joking

"Not true!" I said poking his chest,well maybe a tiny bit.

"It's just a promise ring." he said as he removed the ring from the box, and placed the box in his pocket.I bit my lip to see if the pain would distract my heart from falling out of my butt.

"Someone's a little old fashioned." I mumbled as he slipped the ring on my ring finger, I looked at the ring wide eyed. It was absolutely beautiful, It was yellow gold with white diamonds. I swallowed and looked up at him.

"It's not to much," he said reading my mind. " This is so no one gets any idea,that your up for dibs or anything." he looked up at me and flashed me a dazzling smile. I blushed. He took my hand and led me back to the table. Then suddenly he stopped walking.

"And no selling this." he said giving me a menacing look. I rolled my eyes.

"No promises,let's eat." I said smirking at him


I giggled when I threw a meatball at Taylor and missed. I popped one in my mouth and chewed and then grinned. I looked at Taylor who had suddenly gone quiet.

"Hey babe,you okay over there?" I asked staring over at him

"Yeah, I just need to tell you something." he said he brown eyes filled with a glint of worry.

"What, what it it?" I asked clenching my fist around my napkin. The worst that it could be is he's leaving tomorrow.

"Relax," he told me yet again. He really had to stop telling me to calm down. I scowled slightly as I waited for him to continue."You just have to meet my family." I realized that the worry wasn't about how his family would react about me but, about how I'm going to react.

I gulped. Maybe him leaving wasn't the worst that could happen.
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You guys aren't being good fans. :) message me and comment and I'll love you guys again, and maybe type faster. :D