I Love Taylor Lautner More Than You

Catch Me

What exactly are you worried about?" Taylor spat out harshly. When it came to me testing our love, I guess it makes him angry. I understand how he feels but, I couldn't help it. I was nervous to be apart of his life. And who could blame me for feeling like I do. Tears pricked my eyes,as frustrations totally consumed me.

"I'm just nervous." I finally admitted. Taylor's face soften when he looked at me.

"I'm sorry."he apologized. When I didn't answer there was an awkward silence. I could hear the sound of crickets in the distance as I looked down at my lap like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Do you want to get going?" I asked when I finally found my voice again

"Yeah..sure anything for you birthday girl." he said almost immediately. I got up quickly and wiped the corner of my eyes,hoping Taylor wouldn't see. But,of course he saw. He looked regretful as he took my hand and we walked out the gazebo. I unlatched his hand from mine and made my way to the passenger seat. Just as I opened the door Taylor's hand pressed against the it,stopping the action.

I turned around to see what was going on. I could barely see Taylor's face but the twinkle of the gazebo lights helped.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"I hate when your mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you." I lie

"It's not good to lie," he said taking a step closer to me so he was pressed up against me. I swallowed as my bare back pressed against the cool window. He was making me feel short the way he hovered over me with a smirk on his face. My heart raced and I hated that he was intimidating me.

"Thanks for telling me." I responded sarcastically as I try to get him off me. But those muscles he has were not a lie. He had one hand pressed against the window close to my hip and the other on top of the rearview mirror. He rested his head on my shoulder and I sighed as my hands were pressed against his chest trying to push him away. I took in his scent he smelled like spicy pepperwood with a hint...of fresh cut firewood. He removed his head from my shoulder and began living hot kissing on my collarbone.

"I'm sorry." he said again. He kissed up my neck, my cheek. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'll never hurt you. You know that. He kissed the corner of my lip. I closed my eyes. He's sorry, my conscience screamed Now kiss him! "Your forgiven." I said bringing my hands up to his head and connecting our lips. He was only going to stay for...god knows how long and staying angry with him for one little thing wasn't worth it.

He was still so cautious with me. I always had to take charge. Not that I mind. Our tongues wrestled for dominance and I won. I don't know if it was because it was my birthday or what,but I still won. His strong hands held my back close to him,while I wrapped my arms around his neck. There was no need for tippy toes, I guess heel's are useful. He pulled away and and we unwrapped ourselves from each other. He grabbed my hand and opened my door and I sat inside. He looked at me with such an intensity that made my knees weak. He still held my hand.

"I love you Ashley." he said. My heart was racing and the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. I took grasp off his hand and pulled him toward me and kissed his hand. He bent toward me and I put a small hand on cheek and brought my lips toward him again. "I love you too."


When I got home there was of course another surprise they bought me a cake and after few conversations Simon and Serena left taking David with me. Serena convinced me that he shouldn't be in the house tonight. I merely shrugged and let her take him. I was currently sitting on my bed in some boy shorts with a loose tank top and ankle socks. I had a bowl of grapes and was listening to my iPod which was on it's Dock.

I tossed Taylor a grape and he skillfully caught it in his mouth. I passed him the bowl and I sat up on my knees.

"Toss me one!" I said eager to try.

"Okay" he threw it and it hit my forehead and rolled off somewhere unknown.

"That was a horrible throw." I yelled over the music

"Shut up!" he said smiling

"Come on,again!" I opened my mouth awaiting the throw. But I was pelted by a ton of the round fruit.

"Hey!" I shouted leaping at him and sending punching at his chest. He shielded his face with his muscular arms. I began to tickle him running my hands down his hard stomach. He let out his adorable laugh as he tried to slap me away. I could feel squished grapes under my legs and it felt weird.

"Ashley,stop!" he protested. I grinned happy that I found a weakness of his I continued my task as if he hadn't said a word and laughed evilly while I continued.

Then suddenly I was under him and he had my arms pinned above my head. I smiled up at him.

"You got me. I guess I surrender." I said seductively

Taylor smirked at me and let go off my wrist and bent down to kiss me. I was happy and I haven't been this happy in a long time. I bit his lips when he tried to pull away and pulled his head toward me and wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed down my neck nibbling down on collar bone. I smiled as I slipped my hand under the back of his shirt feeling his back.

I got my heart set on you and I'm ready to wait
I have a heart that will never be tamed

I heard my ipod sing.

"I knew you were something special when you spoke my name
Now I can't wait to see you again' I sang along

Taylor stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"Really?" he asked

"What?" I said grinning as I unwrapped my my legs around him

"First I'm not marriage material and now, I'm not sexy enough for you." he said shaking his head and stood on his knees in between my legs. I propped my self onto my elbows and looked at him.

"I like this song. And I can have my way with you anytime I want." I said forcefully poking his chest

"Your such a bitch." Taylor said playfully shoving my shoulder. I gasped dramatically sitting up all the way and covering my mouth with my hand.


"I love you too." I said kissing his cheek as I hoped off of the bed.

"The last time I freaked out, I just kept looking down
I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinking bout
Felt like I couldn't breathe you asked what's wrong with me
My best friend Leslie said, Oh she's just being Miley" I sang as I danced around in my socks swaying my hips and rocking my head

"Taylor, I know you know this song.Sing with me." I said looking at him deviously

I danced over to him and grabbed his hands and pulled him off the bed. I danced around him while he stood there like a pole.

"Your such a kill joy!" I said still dancing

"Am not, I just can't dance. And I don't know this song." He said

"Your such a liar,and your pants are on fire." I said pointing at him , I took off this annoying trait from David.

"I have seen the videos." Taylor blushed and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on! It's my birthday! I'll love you forever if you do!" I said putting on my best puppy dog face

"You'll already love me forever. I know that for a fact." he said hugging me. Now it was my turn to blush.

"Shut up. Now sing." I said grinned .Taylor smiled and turned his back to me before he started

"The last time I freaked out, I just kept looking down
I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinking bout
Like I couldn't breathe you asked what's wrong with me
My best friend Na-na said she's just being Miley. The next time we hang out I will redeem myself my heart can't wait till then Oh whoa oh whoa I can't wait to see you again."

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ4gm6wjoLQ (Taylor singing See you again)

When the song came to a stop I jumped on his back. He held on to the back of my legs and held me tight and craned his neck back to look at me.

"That was so cute! You should serenade me more often." I said kissing his cheek

"I probably will if I'm awarded with your kisses." he said grinning. I jumped of his back and through myself on the bed smiling at him before yawning. Taylor walked over to the iPod and turned it off. I turned of the lamp on my night stand when he clicked off the room lights. He climbed into bed beside me and wrapped us in the blanket. I lay my head on his chest and moved around until I was comfortable. Taylor abruptly sat up and pulled of his shirt. I looked at the way his muscles shone in the light and bit my lip. Taylor looked at me with a confused expression on his face before I pressed him down on to the bed and straddled his waist and began kissing him. I broke away only to turn off the lamp at night stand.

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