Sequel: Warning
Status: completed



“You need to get laid.” Katarina said, removing her scrubs and stuffing them in the locker. I just sat on the bench and removed my sneakers, shaking my head.

“No, what I need is tequila.” I began, placing my shoes in my locker and reaching for my black pumps. “Sex got me in trouble. Men got me in trouble.” I said, correcting myself while I slipped out of my scrubs and into a black cocktail dress, putting on my heels and shutting the locker door.

“So then we need to go out tonight. You look like hell and the best cure for a hangover is more alcohol.” Kat said as she shook her hair out of it’s bun.

“Is that your professional medical opinion?” I asked with a smile, putting on my white lab coat. I still had to check on a few cases I had in the pediatric wing before I left for the day. It wouldn’t take long seeing as the pediatric rooms were just across the hall from the locker room, which was why I changed first. That and because I could see Chloe right outside the room’s window, standing outside of Pascal’s wife’s room on her cellphone.

“I have to go check on my neo-natal case. Premature newborn found in a trashcan, completely strung out on narcotics. Platelet count is only 1600.” I said, my gaze steadily fixed on Chloe. She looked absolutely perfect standing there, chatting away warmly on her phone. And what was worse about this whole situation was that she was nice and completely oblivious about what had happened in her absence.

“Is it wrong to hate her?” I asked as Kat walked over to my side. “I am the dirty ex-mistress and she’s the one who was cheated on. “ I said as I adjusted my stethoscope around my neck.

“I hate her and she’s not even engaged to my boyfriend. “ Kat replied before walking out the door. I followed her and Chloe snapped her attention at me, hanging up her phone call. I saw Sidney sitting inside, talking to Kris. They both raised their glances towards me and Sidney looked like he was going to get up before realizing his fiancé was outside.

“Hey!” Chloe said just as I was about to go into neo-natal ward, which was right besides Pascal’s wife’s room. I looked back towards her and smiled, giving her a wave as I turned back to face her.

“Hi, Chloe.” I said, pulling my patients chart closer to my chest. “Still waiting on the baby?” I asked politely, watching her face distort into a look of confusion. It only lasted a second.

“Oh. Yeah, we are. Her due dates not till tomorrow but she started having contractions earlier. We were about to leave though; Max and Evgeni are taking us out clubbing. What are you doing here so late?” She asked.

“I’m just checking on my patient. I’m about to leave, finally. “ I said, poking my head into the room.

“Hey Kris, Pascal, Carol-Lynne.” I said, ignoring Sidney. Pascal’s wife looked over at him and frowned before smiling a hello at me. “How are you feeling?” I asked her, walking in to check her heart rate monitor. It was a little low, but no cause for panic.

“A little tired, ready to get this baby out.” She said with a smile and Pascal rubbed her shoulder. I noticed Chloe walk in the room and sit on the arm of Sidney’s chair, smiling at me as well.

A nurse popped her head in the room and I walked over to her to ask if she could page the neo-natal surgeon, Dr. Sofia Glenn. But instead, she came to talk to me.

“Dr.Anderson, we’ve had a patient ask for you. A—“ she checked her chart briefly. “A Derek de Gaudet? He woke up from a minimally conscience state a few hours ago. Doctor Swenn wanted me to tell you. “ She said before dipping out of the room and down the hallway.

I just stood there, frozen at the doorway and I could hear Kris’s voice in the distance. “Violet?” I heard him ask and I turned around, giving the group a quick smile.

“I have—I have to go. Congratulations.” I said motioning to Carol and Pascal before turning on my heel and moving into the hallway, ducking into the neo-natal ward and shutting the door behind me. I gasped for air, breathing heavily. I couldn’t deal with this now, not with Derek and Sidney and Chloe—it was too much.

I met Katarina at some upbeat, flashy club on Carsons street, taking my seat at the bar and dropping my head in my hands. “God hates me.” I murmured, trying to ignore the flashing lights and the blast of music. I wanted drinking, not to go clubbing. But she had insisted that dancing and music would make me feel better.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Kat replied

“She’ll have some tequila. Three.” Kat ordered for us and I groaned. “Make it five.” She corrected while I stared at the counter of the bar. I dropped my hands and sat upright while the bartender brought the drinks. I grabbed a shot and tossed it back, flipping the glass upside down before looking back up to the bartender. “We’re going to need more of these.” I said, taking another shot.

“Hey, look. It’s Connors. This is exactly what you need. He’s like candy. Just there to enjoy.” Kat said, calling him over. He caught my stare and gave me one of those innately dirty grins before wandering over to us. I swallowed my tequila back, setting the glass on the table again.

“Hello ladies.” He said, leaning up against the bar before noticing my shot glasses. “Rough night, Anderson?” He asked and I just nodded. He pulled in closer to me, taking a seat at the bar. “You know what will make it better?” he asked with another grin.

“Winning the lottery?” I asked, taking another shot of tequila and Stephen shook his head.

“Me.” He replied, smirking towards me.

Just as I was about to decline his request, Kat elbowed me in the ribs and I turned around. “God really does hate you.” She mumbled, taking a shot herself.

There they were. Sidney, Chloe, Max, Kris, Evgeni and his girlfriend Oksana. Kris caught my stare just as they sat down in a private booth and Sidney followed his eyesight. I just looked back over to Dr.Connors and smiled back at him.

“I think you’re right.” I said, before the bartender brought me a wider glass of tequila. I grabbed it and followed Stephen to the middle of the floor, feeling the music thunder louder as we got closer to the speakers. I could feel Sidney watching me but I didn’t care. I danced anyways, disregarding him completely as I winded my hips against Stephen to the beat of the blaring music.

Connors leaned over and whispered in my ear, pushing my hair back. “You want to leave?” he whispered raspily and I grinned and nodded, taking his hand as he lead me back to the bar so he could pay for the tab.

I just stood off by the side, smiling to myself because I was satisfied-- for the first time in what seemed like a very long time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lollipop -- Three Six Mafia.