Sequel: Warning
Status: completed


Hey Baby

Lucy and I sat at the dining room table, both of us unable to peel our eyes away from the monster that sat on my finger.

It was too big, too gaudy, too much.

A four carat canary diamond surrounded by smaller clear stones and a platinum band. It cost more than my internship salary for the next decade and was completely different from my original ring—something I was grateful for. The Harry Winston’s on both sides of the country must have been busy stores.

“So let me get this straight.” Lucy finally said, still looking at the ring. “You’re in love with Sidney, you’re pregnant with his baby but he doesn’t love you anymore, so you say anyways, and he is engaged to Chloe while you’re engaged to your ex-fiancé who left you on the alter not even five months ago.” She finished, clearly out of breath.

I looked at her and made a face. I didn’t realize it had gotten that bad. “Yup.”

Lucy shook her head and looked up at me. “Marc is coming over in like five minutes so you better put that thing away before we go to the rink.” She said, motioning to the giant rock on my finger. I brushed my hair out of my face and sat up straight.

“No. I’m not going to. I need Sidney to see it and to know that I’ve moved on. Plus, I have this feeling.” I said, looking at Lucy.

“A feeling?” She repeated, her tone completely unimpressed. I nodded.

“I have this feeling that Chloe knows something happened between Sidney and I while she was away.” I said with a frown before Lucy grabbed my hand.

“Chloe is a sweet girl and all, but Vi, she’s not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed if you know what I mean. The other day, she asked me if lemons and limes were the same fruit.” Lucy said and I laughed a little even though I knew it wasn’t fair. She’s the one who was cheated on. I’m just the dirty ex-mistress. The pregnant dirty ex-mistress.

I leaned back in my chair and exhaled, my eyes turning to the door. Just then I heard a knock on the door and Lucy ran to go get it, letting Marc in. He gave her a quick kiss before rushing inside. “I really have to pee.” He said and I pointed to the bathroom in the hallway while Lucy took a seat again at the table, her back facing the hallway, to stare at me some more.

I looked down. I knew what she was going to say and I knew that she was right. Morally, anyways. It was wrong not to tell Sid but I didn’t want him to feel some sort of obligation towards me. I wanted this to be done—I needed this to be done.

“You need to tell Sidney about the baby.” Lucy said quietly, her eyes trained at me. I lifted my head and saw Marc behind her, giving me a blank stare.

I closed my eyes and let my head fall into my hands as Lucy turned around, realizing he was behind her the whole time.

“You’re pregnant?” he asked quietly, walking closer to me. I just nodded, my head still down. He took my hand, causing me to look up. “What’s this?” he added another question softly, as Lucy fidgeted in her seat.

“Derek asked me to marry him today.” I said looking up at Marc.

It grew quiet and I finally sprang up, pushing myself out of the chair and over the bar where my purse sat.

“You know, he was engaged first. He lied to me first. I don’t understand why I’m suddenly the bad guy in the situation.” I said, grabbing my bag and moving to the door. “He lied. He cheated. He made me the dirty ex-mistress and then called me a whore. “

Marc and Lucy both came over towards me, with Marc putting his hand on my shoulder.

“Nobody is saying you’re the bad guy here, Violet. But he deserves to know.” He said kindly. I just shook my head.

“No. In another week, I won’t be pregnant and Sidney won’t have to deal with me ever again. He hates me, Marc. You should have seen him the other night—he could barely look at me. And now I’m just supposed to go up to him and tell him I’m carrying his baby?” I shook my head again. “Please don’t tell him.”

“I’m not. It’s not my secret to share.” He said, grabbing his coat and opening the door.
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Hey Baby -- Pittbull and T-Pain