Sequel: Warning
Status: completed



Lucy, Marc and a nurse walked in not even five seconds later. The two of them exchanged looks as Sidney looked down. Tyler, one of my favorite nurses on the floor, grinned at me and shook his head while he sat down my tray of food.

Being a surgeon in the hospital you’re staying at definitely has it’s perks. This place had become my home; the OR, the Pit, the hospital beds—everything felt familiar. It also meant I knew exactly what to request for lunch. You always wanted to get what the kids are getting as far as food is concerned. Nobody wants to give a sick kid runny fruit cups and soggy salads.

Lucy peered over to my food as I grabbed a chicken nugget and dipped the tip of it in the chocolate pudding.

“You’re disgusting, just fyi.” She said, stealing a chicken nugget from me. “How are you feeling?”

I just shrugged, feeling Sidney’s eyes on me. “Alright. Still pregnant.” I added casually. I figured it would be better to admit that in the company of Lucy, like it was no big deal.

“What?” He asked, getting up from the seat next to my bed. I grabbed my banana and peeled rapidly, taking a bite while Lucy just shook her head at me. She knew what I was doing the entire time and she was pretty unimpressed.

“Well…yeah. I honestly don’t know what to say right now.” I said between bites, waving at Jordan and Kris when they walked in. I was determined to put this out of my mind and focus on the positives. Jordan and Kris both rushed over, telling me to scoot over as they tried to fit on my bed.

“You can’t even fit! You’re too awkward and large.” Kris yelled, pushing Jordan away before sprawling out next to me. This bed was most definitely not big enough for the two of us, but I scooted over anyways. I was small enough, I figured.

“This is size discrimination.” Jordan whined, standing by where Sidney sat. He had taken back his chair and sat with his head in his hands.

“I can’t do this right now.” Sidney said, getting up and walking out of the room. Lucy shook her head again.

“Shocking, Sidney Crosby leaves again. And can you not do that right now? The silent judgment thing. It’s bugging me.” I said and threw the pen next to my bed at her. She ducked and it hit Marc on the shoulder.

“Sorry, baby.” She said, rubbing his arm before turning back around to face me.

“What happened?” Jordan asked, taking Sidney’s old seat. I shook my head and adjusted myself in bed, feeling cramped next to Kris, who was monopolizing my bed and now my remote.

“I’m still a fat pregnant whore. That’s what happened. You know, before all this I was a great surgeon and emotionally stable and hot.” I knitted my brows in thought before nodding. “I was hot and now I’m fat and pregnant and he did that to me.” I said, watching Lucy take my tray of food and take a seat next to Jordan.

“It’s not your fault. It’s their fault.” She said, taking a chicken nugget and pointing at me. Jordan, Marc and Kris both looked at her.

“Their?” Jordan asked and Lucy completely ignored him.

“Them and their stupid boy penises.” She said, opening my juicebox for herself.

“Gender discrimination too? I need to file a lawsuit against the two of you.” Jordan said, pouting a little. Lucy smacked his arm and he quickly simmered down.

Kris just flicked through the channels and finally paused. “Jersey Shore!” He said and Lucy groaned. I focused my eyes to the screen.

“Can you please put on the Discovery Channel?” Lucy whined and the room simultaneously shouted no.

“Sorry to break it to you Luce, but you’re the only one interested in the benefits of forest fires in a Taiga. “ I said, my attention solely focused on the television.

“Hey, that was only once and it was a special. Plus, doesn’t it fascinate you how they help pine tree reproduction?” she asked, sinking back in her chair.

And once again, the room simultaneously shouted no.
♠ ♠ ♠
Stumbling -- Andy Samberg and SNL

thats my friends story :) you should all motivate her to write more instead of laying in bed eating candy and watching TV.