Sequel: Warning
Status: completed


What Can I Say

We all walked out of the theater in a fit of laughter.

Sidney and I were walking out last, practically doubling over with laughter as we burst out of the theater doors. My hands clutched a box of cookie dough movie candy and the pockets of Kris’ hoodie that I was wearing were stuffed with a bag of gummy worms. “Okay, there is no way you just took us to see a cartoon.” I said and Sidney shrugged with a wide grin.

“Don’t look at me, it was Marc’s idea.” He said, causing Marc-Andre to turn his head and lean over to hit Sid. Lucy was leaning on his arm as they strolled towards the car hand in hand and Kris and Geno were ahead of us, talking about some game.

“I’m not sure how those two understand each other.” I whispered over to Sid, who’s face ignited with a grin. “Between Evgeni’s accent and Kris’s, they’re kind of unintelligible.” Sidney laughed and took another Reeces Pieces from his hand.

“I guess it’s just magic.” He said and opened the car door for me. We both scrambled into the large black SUV and Kris turned around from the first row of the backseat.

“Jordan and Max are meeting us for dinner, you two in?” he asked in his French accent and I couldn’t help but laugh. I saw Lucy turn in the back of her seat for my answer and I crammed a handful of cookie dough candy in my mouth before nodding yes. Sidney kept his grin and also gave Kris a nod.

“You eat like a beast.” Luce commented before turning around in her seat. I just pulled out a gummy worm and threw it in her long, golden blond hair which caused the car—minus Lucy and Marc—to explode in laughter. I could see Marc’s shoulder shake as he tried his best not to laugh. Lucy whipped around again and chucked the worm back at me, but I ducked.

“This is war, Anderson.”


We arrived at the restaurant and I instantly recognized it. It was the same low key place we went to when we first met. I smiled to myself and Sidney placed a hand on my shoulder. ”I figured we should go here to really try to start back at square one.” He said softly and I nodded, watching him walk over to greet Jordan and Max. Lucy snaked over to my side and I clutched her arm, following the hostess quickly.

“Do not let him sit by me.” I hissed and she gave me an odd look.

“What? Why? Aren’t you two doing the whole friend thing now?” She whispered back as we came to our table. Lucy and I stood off to the side as everyone else took their seats and she grabbed my arm and pushed me into a seat next to her. Sidney was all the way on the other side and I caught him craning his neck to look for me.

I hated to think it, but it gave me a sick satisfaction knowing he still cared.

The waitress took our drink and food orders, since we all knew what we wanted without even having to open then menu. I found it hard to keep my eyes away from Sidney and caught myself looking at him several times in that night. Maybe it was because I still loved him or because he was doing the same, I wasn’t sure what the reason behind my quick glances were. But I knew that it had to stop.

Kris took a drink from his glass and looked at me, his brown eyes catching my attention with that same knowing look he had given me countless of times before. “How is the wedding planning going, Violet?” he asked me and I looked down, fully aware of what he was doing. Kris wasn’t reminding me—or Sidney— of my engagement ring maliciously. I knew his intentions were for the best. But before I could reply, Lucy groaned.

“Please. Don’t even bring that up. Derek’s mother is worse than he is. She’s making Violet have this huge wedding with people she doesn’t even know. She’s like Kim Jong Il, censoring her guest list and picking only people from Montreal’s crème de la crème. “ Lucy said in quick rant and I could feel everybody’s eyes on me. But the look that weighed the most was Sidneys and for once, I avoided his glance.

“It’s not a big deal. I mean, it is but there’s nothing I can really do about it. “ I shrugged and took a bite of a French fry. “It’s really not a big deal.”

Jordan shook his head and Evgeni, who I’ve barely said a word to in the many months I’ve been around the team, nodded.

“Seems not right.” He said in his broken English and I smiled at him. “You love someone and wedding should be about love, yes?” he asked and I nodded.

“Yes.” I replied and Lucy snorted lightly.

“Well—“ she began and I threw her a look.

“Don’t even.” I said and she shrugged, harshly biting her French fry while glaring at me. I knew Derek and I didn’t have the perfect relationship but I was still trying to work this out—we were still trying to work this out.

“So Marc, when are you getting your dog?” I asked, switching the conversation topic as we finished our dinner.

We stayed at the restaurant till dessert and coffee, talking and laughing and not concerning ourselves with the time. When the restaurant was closing, we all went back to Marc’s house. We had completely forgotten about Oksana and Chloe and when we arrived for a second round of coffee and conversation, we were greeted with their annoyed expressions.

Oksana pulled Evgeni aside and I could hear the Russian in the background, reminding me of Novikova and the hospital. Even though I loved being here with my friends, I couldn’t help but miss the surgical floor back at Allegheny Gen.

I exhaled and shrugged off my coat, taking a seat at the coach across from Sidney and Chloe. Kris and Jordan both sat on opposite sides of me and I sunk back into the couch while Chloe smiled at me.

“So where were you all day? I haven’t seen you around in awhile.” She commented and I saw Sidney look down. Kris pulled out his phone and Jordan picked up one of the books on the coffee table and pretended to read. I was a little pleased that I had been stealthy enough to sneak in and out of Marc’s house this afternoon without her spotting me.

“Oh yeah, I’ve been at the hospital saving lives and things like that. Apparently all of Pittsburgh has been trying to die this week.” I said with a small laugh and Chloe just stared back at me.

“That’s horrible.” She said, clearly unimpressed with my joke. I saw Kris and Sid hide their smiles and I could see Jordan’s shoulder shake while his face was covered with the book. I also noticed that he hadn’t turned a single page yet.

“Sorry, surgeon humor.” I apologized quickly as the rest of the group took their seats in the living room.

The night quickly faded by from there and I saw Chloe look towards her watch impatiently time from time. I got up to refill mine and Kris’s coffee cups and Chloe got up as well, following me to the kitchen with her own mug.

“Wow, it sure is late.” She commented and I looked at my own watch. It was past midnight and she looked upset. I just nodded.

“In a hurry to be somewhere?” I asked politely, pouring the coffee into Marc’s white porcelain cups. Chloe beamed back at me and moved in closer, as if she were to tell me a secret.

“Sidney and I are trying to have a baby. I want to get back and keep going at it.” She said with a grin and the cup overflowed, causing the black liquid to spill over the counters. I cleared my throat and grabbed a paper towel, pressing it against the stone.

“Oh, really? That’s …great.” I said, my voice small. Chloe nodded and watched me clean the mess up.

“Well, Sid doesn’t know because I want him to be surprised. It’ll be better if I don’t tell him. So don’t mention anything, I know you two are friends. “ She said before giving me another smile. “But you’re my friend too. “ she replied and I stood there like an idiot, smiling back at her.

She was going to have my boyfriend, my baby, my life—and while I wanted to hate her, I just couldn’t. She was so nice that it literally felt impossible to harbor a single cruel thought about her. I sighed and patted her shoulder.

“That’s good, congratulations.” I said and moved into the living room.

“I’ve got to go, I’m meeting Derek’s mother in the morning.” I said and waved bye to the group. Kris got up and touched my arm lightly, moving towards the door.

“I’ll drop you off at home.” He said quietly and I nodded.

“Thanks.” I waved back to Lucy, who had been staying over at Marc’s while Derek stayed at our apartment. Kris and I made our way down to the street and he looked at me.

“You know we’re your friends, but please, don’t tell us anything bad about Derek.” He said as we got into the car. I knit my brows together and he shrugged, such a French thing to do, I’ve noticed. “We’re all looking for an excuse to kick his ass, so don’t give us the chance.” He said and I laughed, sinking back into the leather seat of his Mercedes.


I pulled open the door to the apartment and relocked it, throwing my keys in the small glass bowl near the endtable. Standing off to the side, I removed Kris’s hoodie and the contents of the pockets spilled out onto the floor. As I bent over to pick them up from under the coffee table, a noise startled me and the door pushed open. I jumped and hit my head on the table as Derek walked in. He looked surprised to see me, almost nervous. His eyes didn’t meet mine as I walked up to greet him. He pulled away from me dryly, not saying anything as he took off his coat.

There was something different about the way he acted and I watched him carefully as he hung up the coat. The way he smelled, the way he felt, the way he acted—it was all different and foreign, like he wasn’t the same person tonight.

“I thought you’d be at the hospital.” He said finally, his tone a mixture between anxious and bitter. I shook my head.

“No, new work hour limitations.” I replied and he just nodded, his eyes still not meeting my own. I smiled lightly at him and bit my lip, unsure of what to do next.

“I’m going to—“ I took another look at him and exhaled, exhausted. “—I’m going to bed. I’m tired.” I said softly and he nodded again. I left him to go shower, going to bed with myself and my thoughts.
♠ ♠ ♠
What Can I Say -- Brandi Carlile

So this was a long chapter. Sorry about that :( I felt like I needed to compensate for the lack of updates.