Sequel: Warning
Status: completed


Time Imperfect

The Penguins did in fact win it, and Sid ended up scoring four points. Two goals and two assists. Even Max scored a goal and Marc-Andre ended up with a shutout, which as I found out from Lucy, was when the goaltender didn’t allow a single goal. It was highly impressive and we high fived each other as we got up from our on-the-ice seats. It was so much fun seeing them up close on the ice and Max even winked in our direction, apparently feeling the need to get himself recognized. Lucy had just leaned to the guy next to her and pointed at Max. “I think Talbot winked at you.”

It was one of the best experiences of my life, even if it was slightly spoiled by horrifying text messages. I didn’t even make it through the first period of the game without my phone vibrating in the side pocket of my Birkin. Assuming it was the hospital, I whipped out my phone and to say I was disappointed when I saw Dereks number flash would be an understatement. But as soon as I opened up the message, my disappointment turned into pure terror.

“Look up at the boxes.” It read, and I craned my neck up to see the glass of the suites that were spread around the arena. Directly in the suite above us, I could see Derek leaning into the glass with his phone in his hand. He looked great and I found myself hating him for making me admit that. He smirked characteristically and waved, but I never responded. I sank back into my seat, pushing up the arms of my humongous jersey and grabbing some candy. “What’s wrong?” Lucy asked, watching me with the mixed expression of amusement and concern. I threw my phone in her lap and felt her stand up and repeat my actions. “Holy shit.” Was her well thought out response, slinking down in her seat after confirming that Derek was in fact in Pittsburgh and at the hockey game.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” She asked, taking an angry sip from her soda. I just shook my head, running a hand through my curls. “I have no idea and I don’t even care. We’re going to enjoy this game and go to dinner with the team. We are going to ignore Derek like our life depended on it.” I said, extremely determined to continue my otherwise fantastic night. Lucy nodded in agreement. “Good plan.”
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