Status: very Active

Regular: Is What My Life Should Have Been

Chapter: Thriller

The light pierced my sight as my eyes adjusted themselves to it. Honestly wouldn’t know better that this day wouldn’t be like others.

I wasn’t feeling like going to school but I knew my mother wouldn’t let me miss it; so I went to my closet to pick my clothes, as usual I would choose something comfortable, that day I picked a purple and black flannel shirt, black skinny jeans and my signature black converse. After that I went downstairs towards the kitchen, where I grabbed the opened orange juice and drank from the bottle’s peak then I grab my bag and headed to school.

When I arrived he took notice of my existence.

“Hey Kat.”

“Mmm… hi Greg” I said shyly, to Greg Michaels.

Greg Michaels is known for his “Try all” reputation -he has been in the rugby team, football team, soccer team, and other teams I don’t remember- and his ladies’ man reputation but he gained this reputation even before entering high school.

“What’s up?” he asked casually.

“The sky? I mean the ceiling” I chuckled nervously. Gosh… even though he is my friend I can’t keep my nerves down I said in my mind. His melodious laugh interrupted my little chat. I didn’t know if he was laughing of me or with me, and let me tell you there’s a huge difference between those two alternatives.

“That was a good one” He smiled sweetly –well as he smiles “but I wanted to know what you were doing yesterday.”

“Mmm… same as always… I got home after the practice to listen to the awesomeness of music I have and do my homework, how about you?”

“I was thinking about how I could ask something to a girl that I take as a friend but I’m not sure about how she would react.”

“Ohh… really?” He nodded. “That’s cool” I said with a sly smile “See you around or in class, whatever comes first.”

I turned my heel as I started to walk in the direction of my locker.

Truth be told is that I love Greg to death ever since I met him but I’m too scared to be rejected so that’s why I didn’t make a move on him. Plus he is sort of a player –like I said before. Louisa (one of my BFF) claims that he likes me back but I’m sure she only supposes.

I inserted my password and the lock opened, as I was taking out and placing in my books I need, Greg hugged from behind. I knew it was him ‘cause I could smell his cologne.

“Kat…” he whispered to my ear, making me laugh.

“Greg…” I said still laughing “what’s up?”

“Nothing much, I just wanted to ask you something” He whispered/said as I situated my books in my bag.

“Really?” I said while I started closing my locker.

“You know I like you, right?” ‘I heard that phrase before… what?!’ I said in my head. That question caught me off guard.

“Greg, are you okay?” I turned around to face him and to see his light blue eyes; his arms still embraced me. “I mean, am I hearing well?” I said half kidding half serious.

“Kat ever since I met you I liked you. I tried to convince myself that between you and me nothing apart from friendship could happen. That’s why I was with those girls… to get you out of my mind, my thinking. I… I…” I’ve got to accept that his pathetic attempt of joke was mmm… over pathetic.

“You gotta be fucking kidding me.” That was all I could manage to say and ran to the nearest ladies room. When I entered the room I locked myself I the nearest cabinet to drench all the tears I held in my chocolate eyes. I knew I should be happy that he likes me back but all I could think is that he was playing me a bad joke and only playing with my feelings like they were an unwanted toy. I heard a slight knock on the ladies’ door.

“Is Kat Bloodhound here?” He asked.

“Yeah, I think she has been in that cabinet for ten minutes now.” A girl I didn’t know told him.

“Okay” he paused “can you tell her I wasn’t lying?” Greg asked her.

Honestly, I didn’t know what to believe or what to do. The bell rang leaving me two options either stay there or be brave and go to class. I have to admit that even though I might be a coward most of the times, I went to class -trying to avoid Greg.

My first class was A.P. Chemistry hopefully I didn’t share that class with him. Chem. went out smoothly. Next class was Physics that class I did share with Greg but unfortunately he didn’t show up. After Physics we had a ten minute recess. I went to my locker to pick the next books I needed. When I opened the locker’s door a note fell that said:

You might hate me now but what I said was true. I would never lie to you,
Love, Greg
P.D.: Meet me at the fountain.

“Wow, girl! You got him wrapped to your finger.” Louisa yelled at/told me.

“Gosh! Your scared the shit out of me” I yelled back. “I don’t know”

“You like him like since forever and a half. You suffered a lot because of him, lie, but you waited for him like for ages.”

“I’m know but I don’t know what to do. Remember when Greg and I almost kissed?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“I panicked and didn’t kiss him.” I said as I remembered the day we came back from the school trip. We sat together, because he told me 6 months before the trip took place that I was going to sit with him. Everyone was sleeping except both of us. He saw me a bit uncomfortable so he told me to rest my head on his chest, he was talking to me so a looked up then our faces approached together, we were a few inches from each other’s lips when I panicked and said ‘I can’t find my phone’ he was a bit annoyed because I rejected him. “What if I do that when he asks me out?” I said to Louisa referring to that incident.

“I will make sure that it doesn’t happen again.” With that said the bell rang.

After recess I had Business. Yay! Nah, just kidding. When I arrived the teacher started to pick on me, like most of all days of class. The 80 minutes of class seemed like forever, the reason? Well… Let’s say that every single question the teacher asks I have to answer it, out of the 40 students, he picks me, out of forty students! Let me tell you that is not a small group of people. Thanks God, I just have Business once a week.

Following that I had Physical Education also known as eighty minutes of running and jumping for no cause. I don’t consider myself athleticHOWEVER I’M PART OF THE CHEERLEADING SQUAD, so P.E. isn’t one of my favorite subjects. After that was lunch which really sucks ‘cause if you don’t shower quickly your lunch shortens.

Unlike other days I sat with my chicken breast sandwich by the school fountain, just like he said in the note; a minute later I got a text message.
Walk to the nearest tree to your left.
xox. Greg.

I did what he “said” and I saw him leaning to the tree, his sea blue eyes were closed, his not so tanned face was “looking” at the sky. The sun lit his flawless skin and looked paler than usual. I wished I could have stayed like that all day long but he caught me drooling at his handsomeness.

“Liking what you see?” He said playfully, not knowing what to do, I just smiled sincerely to him.

“So…” I said as to give him a clue to tell me why I was here.

“So…” He said, playing dumb. Just a ‘so’ a simple and boring ‘so’, not the answer I expected. That’s when I thought I might be straight, and tell him right away.

“Why did you want me here?” I was a bit impatiently.

“Well…” he looked away “I really like you, that isn’t a lie, and I hope that you like me the way I like you.”

“Have you been watching ‘Thriller’ lately?” I asked amused.

“Well… the thing is that I didn’t know how to ask you out.” He said shamefacedly “How did you know I was watching ‘Thriller’?”

“Let’s say I know that video like the back of my hand.” I laughed.

“Katherine Bloodhound, would you like to be my girl?” I smiled widely, but said.

“I’ll think about it.”

Three counted seconds later…

“Yeah, silly. Why wouldn’t I like to be your girlfriend? I mean your girl.” I stated.

“Really?” He said way too excited but I liked it.
♠ ♠ ♠
So.. I know this story can get to ten stars ;D *hint hint*
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