Status: Taking a Break, Sorry!

And Then The Ground Opened Up

When There Are Tears In Your Eyes, I Will Dry Them All

You know those mornings where you wake up but really don't want to get out of bed? Well I was having one of those moments, except instead of being in my nice warm cozy bed, I was laying on what felt like the ground. I didn't want to open my eyes because I was still recovering from the shock of what happened.

It took me a moment to remember that I had been at Stacey's party when I went from a walk and then the ground opened up and swallowed me. With out opening my eyes, I tried to figure out where I was. I could hear the sound of a fire crackling and voices whispering, the sound of horses eating grass and birds in the background.

Once I discovered that none of my bones were broken, and besides being a little sore I felt fine. I slowly opened my eyes to discover that it was dark out and I appeared to be in a forrest, but definitely not the forrest besides Stacey's house. Slowly sitting up I discovered that the whispering had stopped and instead there was four kids staring at me. For a moment no one spoke but then the littlest of the four stood up and rushed over to me.

"Are you alright?" She asked. She had a british accent and seemed to be about 14 years old.

"Fine I guess, but where am I and how did I get here, wherever here is?" I asked.

"You're in Narnia, in Owlwood to be exact." Said the oldest boy.

"And you fell, from the sky actually." Said the oldest girl.

Now as you can imagine, being told you fell from the sky and landed in a place you never heard of, can be a bit frightening. The feeling of being lost and scared started to kick in, and once again my headache was back. As I closed my eyes and held my head, the youngest girl pulled out a what looked like a perfume bottle and poured a few drops into my open mouth and before I could protest, my headache went away as well as all the soreness I felt.

"I don't know what that was but thank you." I said.

"It was a healing cordial, Father Christmas gave it to me during our Christmas in Narnia, I'm Lucy, and these are my brothers Peter and Edmund, and my sister Susan." said Lucy.

"I'm Annabelle, and did you say Father Christmas, like Santa Claus?" I asked.

"Yeah, oh he was lovely, he gave each of us gifts, well except for Edmund, he was with the White Witch at the time, but that was all sorted" Lucy said as the boy she said was Edmund winced.

"Now now Lou, give her a break, this must all be a little overwhelming. Can you and the boys go gather more firewood while I talk with Annabelle?"

As the boys and Lucy took off in the woods, it seemed Susan had just as many questions for me as I did for her. After she explained all about her and her siblings arriving in Narnia four years earlier through a wardrobe. I learnt of the White Witch and Aslan, Telmarines, Centaurs and talking animals, all of which I thought was all mythology, and of Cair Paravel. Susan told me that they were returning from Ettinsmoor where they were sent by Aslan to form an alliance should anything happen, and they were resting in Olwood on their way home to Cair Paravel.

By the time the boys and Lucy had returned, I had been caught up to date with the Pevensies. As the others joined Susan and I around the fire, it was concluded that we were from the same world, but not from the same time. It was then my turn to tell then the story of Stacey's party and where I was when I fell. You can imagine their shock when I said I was from the 21st century. They were from the 1940s. After answering all of their questions about what life was like in the future, the sun was beginning to rise. The five of us laid down around the fire for a few hours of sleep before it was daylight out.

Sleep was hardly on my mind when I laid down. I stared into the fire, reliving what had happened today. It was hard to believe that just five hours ago I had been at a party, completely unaware that this world even existed, that Kings and Queens actually ruled over people, that a bunch of kids my age fought with swords and bows and arrows and actually killed enemies. So many thoughts ran through my mind that made sleep impossible

My thoughts were then interrupted by Edmund. "Can't sleep?" he said as he sat up.

"Not really." I answered, sitting up as well.

"It's a lot to take in at once." he said.

"Yeah, there are so many things I don't know, like why I'm here, and how I'm going to get home." I said, closing my eyes.

"If it's one thing I've learnt in Narnia, there's always a reason as to why you're here, it just takes some time to figure it out. You'd best try and get some sleep, we've got about a day and a half journey to get back to Cair Paravel." Edmund said with a smile.

With that I laid down and closed my eyes. He might be right, there has to be a reason for me being here. At least I hope he was right. He was a King, he had to be right. The thought made me smile. Sleep finally came over me, as it seemed I was a more tired than I had thought I was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just to let you know, I had to change their ages a little to fit with my story, plus I couldn't really find a definite answer as to how old they were, so here is what I came up with!

Peter is 15,
Susan is 14,
Edmund is 13,
Lucy is 10,

Peter is 18,
Susan is 17,
Edmund is 16,
Lucy is 13,

My Story (ATTGOU)
Peter is 19,
Susan is 18,
Edmund is 17,
Lucy is 14,

Here's the map of Narnia I'm using Sorry its a little small!