Rois de la Nuit


My eyes snapped open. “That half-demon!” I hissed. “You married her. It was my turn to grab his shoulders. However, unlike him, I wasn’t going to have my wrists broken. “You married a half-demon!? I knew you were stupid Angelion, but I had never thought that I would hear it said you were that stupid.” Half-demons were dangerous. Not to say that I hadn’t had any affairs with one or two or several, but that was quite beside the point. Half-human and half-demon, those men and women were the only ones who could use magic (besides demons of course). Most of them were very clever and very quick preferring to seduce and torment. That was why I got along so well with them. However, making a half-demon your mate…that was another matter entirely.

“You don’t think I know that?” Angelion growled.

I rolled my eyes. “No, I don’t think you do,” I said throwing him away. “So that’s Myra’s child?” I demanded. Just another reason to kill the girl. A half-demon in my house on my bed who I wasn’t going to use had no use for me. I shoved past him already knowing the answer. Well there went my night. Here I had been hoping that I was going to get the chance to have fun and now it turned out to be nothing at all. Sometimes I think that Angelion waited until he knew that something would hurt me most before he unleashed it.

“She’s mine too!” Angelion called stopping me in my tracks. “Look at her eyes Lexxic…she’s mine too.”

He needed to be wrong. If he wasn’t wrong…we were in bigger trouble than I had thought possible. I wasn’t going to let what Angelion said effect me. He was wrong. There was no possible way that he could have had a child with that half-breed. It simply wasn’t possible. Angelion hadn’t been there, hadn’t known about the Dead Child. How could he know that I would know his words were such a lie. He was trying to save the girl for the memory of a woman he had thought he loved. It was quite apparent that I had to save him from himself. I was ignoring the proof I had seen of my own child.

That meant killing the girl now.

Stalking into my house, I grabbed a knife as I walked. I had various weapons located around the house. Just because I’m a vampire doesn’t mean I can always kill with my bare hands and fangs. There was also the fact that demon blood can be poisonous to us. It all depends on how much we take in and what demon it’s from. You never took a chance. It was simply better to stab it to death. I wasn’t so pissed that I forgot to check the air however. It was me, Angelion, and the girl. No one else had been inside for three days. That was good. It meant that my so-my new enemy likely didn’t know about his woman’s danger. And unfortunately for him, he wasn’t going to learn about it until it was far too late for him to do anything about it.

The door was still closed, the sound of half-muffled protests still persisted. I opened the door and stared at the girl coldly. She squeaked which had a smirk tug at my lips. I wondered absently if the knife told her what I planned. Probably not. She likely thought she knew. But the chance that she did…I couldn’t believe that. “It was nice playing with you huntress,” I lied moving towards her. I wasn’t going to make it anything fancy or spend time explaining. I was going to walk across the room and plant the blade right in her heart.

I made my way past the door and heard it start to close. I spun a moment too late, something hard slamming into my temple. I would like to say that I shook off the blow. However, contrary to popular belief, even vampires can be knocked unconscious.