Rois de la Nuit


I finally made myself stand up and walked over the phone, eying it as if it might launch forward and bite me at any moment. Actually, I wouldn’t have been very surprised if that happened. Especially if it really was Angelion calling me. However there were no phone bites that day. Instead I picked up the phone and slammed it back down on the receiver. The feeling that immediately washed over me was one of triumph. A smirk tilted my lips to the side and I ran a hand through my black hair. That had felt rather nice.

With my boredom now broken-

What? What is so surprising? For some reason, people have this assumption that it takes some great cataclysmic event to stir you from such emotions. Let me tell you that that line is absolute drivel. And yes I just used the word drivel. It’s a fairly accurate description of it all as well. I mean that every way shape and form as well. Besides, I’m no hero. I never have been and I never will be. I am many things, but a hero I never shall be. I have read too much to ever want to believe in such a romantic notion. I’m more a villain than a hero. After all, I’m the greatest mass murderer of all time and no one even knows it.

And as if to prove that fact, I began towards the door, snatching one of my leather coats from its place on the back of a chair that sat just by the entrance hall. I swung it over my broad shoulders and slid my muscled arms inside. When I give this kind of description, I advise that you pay attention because I mean what I say. I’m not exaggerating. I’m strong, I’m powerful. I would be even if I wasn’t a vampire. Unfortunately for the world and anyone who decides to cross me, I am. Of course, that sometimes made hunting boring. That was why the key to hunting was the mind games and not just the thrill. The thrill wore off after a couple of centuries. Destroying a mind…that never grows old. After all, just when you think you’ve seen them all, well that’s the moment when you meet a new kind of mind.

A mind that can outsmart even a genius like me.


I went straight for my favorite hunting grounds. It was this lovely little deserted hellhole in an area that was virtually abandoned. Even the gangs had fled it. And I might or might not have had something to do with that. Then again, wouldn’t you hate some place you think is haunted? Honestly though, I’m no ghost. I’d be more likely to be classified as a zombie before I could become a ghost, but when you go around a bunch of Mexican gangsters on Dia de los Muertos, what can you really expect? (For those of you non-Spanish speakers: that means Day of the Dead.)

Despite that fact, there was always one idiot or other that came down to the warehouses at night. Usually it was on a dare or out of desperation. Though there had been one night I had gotten to scare the living daylights out of some team who was investigating some claims of a haunting. Trust me when I say that the likelihood of them ever coming back here is about null and void. Though it’s a bit of a pity since I wouldn’t have minded taking a little bit from each other them. Or maybe just making myself famous and drinking from all of them. Though I have a feeling that Angelion would ring my neck if I ever did something like that. He’s always so prissy about things like that.

However, today was another good day as I smelled fresh, lively flesh. You see, I enjoy drinking from humans while they’re still alive and kicking. Yes, that would make me evil to most humans. Evil or a god. Just depends on what brand of psychopath you are. I never minded being called a god. I always found it rather amusing. Mostly because it meant I was surrounded by easily manipulated idiots. Though easily manipulated idiots honestly get boring after a while. And that’s why cult leaders have their followers commit mass suicide.

I wasn’t looking for any followers that day however. I just wanted a nice succulent meal. Maybe if the meal was amusing or pretty enough I would tease it like a little mouse for a time. But in the end, I was going to drain their useless shell dry and leave behind a disgusting husk that someone could find later if they ever found it at all. If any of you find that sickening, well no one ever said that I was a good person. I certainly never claimed something of the sort.

I began to make my way towards the scent. It was a lovely bouquet compared to what I usually got when I came to this place which meant that the chance of this one being homeless was about null and void. More likely it was either a prostitute or someone who had gotten very lost. Either way it looked like I was going to have a very lucky night. I was rather glad for whoever had dared to call my phone now. To imagine that I wouldn’t have had the chance for this if it wasn’t the case. The very thought of such a terrible dread! And no I’m not being sarcastic, I just sound like it.