Rois de la Nuit


Then something happened that pissed me off. I was going to kill him. I was sincerely going to kill him. And he was going to enjoy it. Alright, he likely wasn't going to enjoy it, but I was going to kill him. Have no doubt of that. I growled as I pulled away from the girl. I had been hoping to tease her before biting down hard on her sweet neck, but in this case I was not so lucky. Instead I had to deal with the bane of my existence. "Stay here princess," I ordered before I moved out of the bedroom and slammed the door close behind me. There was silence behind me for a moment before I heard screams resonating through the tape. They were a sweet sound, but I wasn't able to enjoy them just now. Instead I had to deal with the man who was facing me. "Who invited you inside Angelion?" I demanded pulling off my leather jacket and tossing it onto one of the chairs in my living room

"You hung up on me earlier." I couldn't help but smirk at his words.

"Well in that case, what a pity," I said with a dark chuckle. "You sound so disappointed."

Angelion sighed heavily, self-righteous as ever. I hated him for that. I always had. "I have very important news to tell you Lexxic. However am I supposed to do anything with or for you if you do not tell me where you are or respond to my summons," he pointed out shaking his head. "Please tell me that you didn't steal this one from a masquerade ball." The single comment was a clear indication that he didn’t really care that I had resorted to kidnapping again, he just didn’t want us caught…again.

I couldn't help but laugh. Oh the silly man. He was still bitter about that. I couldn't understand why. I had thought that the whole incident had been rather amusing. Then again, I had been the one performing and getting away with several lecherous and very illegal actions. I couldn't regret that. It had been too amusing. I missed it now. If only I could have it back. "Honestly, you should know me better by now Angelion. Why would I steal a girl from a dance when I can steal a hunter from the streets?" I asked arching an eyebrow.

Angelion shrugged accepting my answer. I knew he would. He would accept it because honestly, to us hunters were less than humans. Humans could at least be allowed a modicum of respect. Hunters didn’t get that. They killed without discretion. At least we had reasons for when we kill unlike them. In the battle of the self-righteous versus the survivors, the survivors will always survive. Anyone who says otherwise clearly has not met me. They will say otherwise if I allow them to walk away. And yes, this is a matter that I am very sensitive about. You would be too if you were one of the last of your kind. Who knows, lots of you humans have been predicting such thing so it may happen one day.

“Now really, this is no longer a time for your usual prattle.”

“Oh!” I said arching a dark eyebrow and happily cutting Angelion off. “Sounds like you’re using big words these days Angelion. Whatever shall I do?” Angelion knew that I had no respect for him and likely never would, but that had never been the point of the relationship between us. No, our relationship was far more complicated and yet at the same time far simpler than that. Most people would not have been able to understand that though. I wondered half the time if Angelion even understood the whole reality of it all.

He was growling at me now which put me in an even better mood than I had been before. This night was simply getting better and better. “Will you just shut up and listen to me for once in your life?” Angelion hissed darkly, his pale eyes narrowed into slits.

I laughed at him. Rude and likely what most would have called a stupid move, but I thought he was hilarious. I had always been marked for my twisted sense of humor. And the last three thousand years had not changed that in the least. “Well, well, whatever has you distressed enough to be pissy at me, must be worth hearing about,” I chuckled as I sat down in one of my chairs. I watched Angelion carefully waiting to hear what answer he would give me. I wasn’t sure what to expect, I was just hoping it would be good.

Angelion began to pace ignoring my last comment. I knew he would. The man simply could not take a joke. It was pathetic really. He needed to gain a sense of humor. It would be good for his health. And as much as I couldn’t stand the other vampire, he was the only other one around and I wasn’t quite ready to have the world to myself. Anyone who would care to mock me for saying that can meet me down a dark alley alone at night and see what there is left to mock.

“This matter that I am about to confide in you is both complicated and delicate. Take your best care please Lexxic.” I snorted. He knew me far too well. “There have been rumors of vampires. I investigated them carefully over the last several months. At first, I was certain that they were merely either new rumors started by my spies or you yourself, but I was gravely mistaken.” My jaw twitched. I wanted to cut him off. I wanted to cut him off so badly. It was tempting. No it was more than tempting. It was almost overwhelming. After all, he was being far too over dramatic. Further proof of what a pansy he is. “There are rumors of a mass murderer. No one has been able to catch him. They have seen pictures of him and some of the amateurs are trying to trace him back to murders in France in the early fifteenth century.”

This time when my jaw twitched, it wasn’t because I found him amusing either. France had always been a very sensitive subject where I was concerned. Especially that time period in France. The sidelong look that Angelion gave me told me that he remembered that fact, he had just been ignoring it. The bastard.

Angelion paused only a moment in both his pacing and his comments before he began again. “And while the humans have not been able to find anything…Henderson has shown me some very interesting things.”

My eyes narrowed and I gave him a skeptical look. “You’re still talking to that filth?” I asked. And when it’s me calling someone filth, that says something.

Angelion gave me his typical look of saying that I needed to have more respect for the half-demon. Personally, I had a dislike for half-demons…usually. “The one who did the killings then and who is doing the killings now…it’s the same person.”