Rois de la Nuit


“Another half-demon?” I asked. I had trouble believing that a vampire could remain out of line of our information for this many centuries. We were too careful for that. And yes I say that with all confidence and arrogance that I possess. Angelion tends towards the more falsely humble track, but I have always been of the opinion that there is never a reason to bother for false modesty. Especially when it is something that I shall never possess. I have no reason to even consider the stuff.

Even before the whole phrase was out of my mouth, Angelion was already shaking his head. “No, I thought of that as well.” I rolled my eyes. The arrogant bastard (like I could talk). “I even took the liberty of investigating on of the bodies and this was no hoax. There was even slight purple discoloration around the bite marks.” That I had not expected. Especially since no matter the times that we had tried, this was the one thing that you could not fake.

“Than it appears we have a problem don’t we?” I pointed out in a cold voice. There was a vampire out there, but how could that even be possible? It was pissing me off. Especially since it meant that there was someone who could expose our secret. That could not be allowed. If that secret was exposed the huntings would begin again, and while I didn’t mind fighting, I had a problem with killing hunters, there would be only so many that I could kill before they destroyed us both.

Angelion nodded in agreement. “Yes, I’ve been able to find some information about where I think that the creature might be residing.”

I didn’t bother to grab my jacket this time. Instead I grabbed two sets of keys from amongst the bowl of many that sat near the door to my place and tossed a set to Angelion. “C’mon, they’re faster than your hearse,” I said jerking my head towards the door. Of course there was no way in hell that you could actually call a Rolls Royce a hearse. That would be blasphemy. But at the same time, what kind of man would I be if I allowed Angelion to know that I could actually admire his taste in vehicles? I know better than that. His ego doesn’t need any help from me (never let his supposed innocence fool you).

Angelion took the keys without protest and closed the door behind us as we moved out into the small garage which held my three babies. One was a Harley Davidson that I had bought and restored every few years since I had bought it brand new in the fifties. That was mine. It was my baby. Angelion knew that he wasn’t allowed to even touch it. And he had been very good at following that rule. That was probably because he had seen what I had done to the one human who had dared to try and come near my bike. It hadn’t been pretty. The other bike was more of Angelion’s bike anyway. I had bought it just for him. He had glared at me when I had done that, but I told him that he should be happy he was getting an upgrade from the pink girl’s bike I had bought him before. Of course it probably didn’t help that the bike had been a bright flashy pink originally. Angelion had long since painted the 1984 Yamaha Venture to a nice neutral gray color.

Neither of us had helmets or leathers, we didn’t need them. The cops in this town knew our bikes by sight. That and the fact that Angelion had kindly bought every police chief and mayor in every town he had a home in. It made our lives a little easier. I might hate his money most of the time, but this was one of those times when he and it has their uses. After all, getting pulled over, as nice as the snack would be, was going to take up too much time. I wanted to have this done and over with and be back to my residence before the sunrise. There was nothing wrong with that now was there? Especially since I had such a wonderful treat waiting at home for me.

We rode away from my neighborhood in the western part of town and north-east. When it comes to this particular human city that I currently grace with my presence, there is no truly set district that points to the racial or economic lines. You can have a drug-infested, den of iniquity across the street from a high end four-star restaurant. That kind of thing. It had been one of the reasons I had chosen the place. It was different. It wasn’t what people expected. It made it easy for me to blend in without anyone deigning to notice me.

This particular apartment was actually only four blocks away from where Angelion had made his abode. That also meant that it was on the outskirts of town. The outskirts of town, like the town itself, was varied depending on where you were. In this case, it was decent, but not quite the high class end. It was a smart place overall. I rather liked the place thought it could have used a drug dealer or two to spice the place up. Now that’s not to say that I’m encouraging people to use drugs. After all, I can’t drink from drug users. It messes up my system more than it ever could a human. Drug use was the worst thing to ever happen to me. No, the whole thing I like about drug dealers is that no one misses them when they’re gone.

That, therefore, makes them very useful. See, I told you. There is always a logic in these things. Though honestly…a murderer had always been the second best thing. And if things worked out just right, we would be getting a murderer in our grasp in only moments. “You coming Angelion?” I asked turning off my back and dismounting. Tonight just kept getting better and better.