Bitch Farm

A Facial:

Re-constructional surgery? They know nothing. I start with the facial. In this case, I move her ears up to the top of her head. Changing their shape.

Painful That's why she's under. I had to break of both her jaws, on both sides. Or I could not make her a proper muzzle. Without it, she'd never be the hound she desire.

Just a joke. Actually, I just replace the lower jaw, much easier, and less painful. The lower jaw is complete, with all her teeth.

Her nose, such as it was, is history. Thankfully, I don't have to work with her bones. I just build up the muzzle, from what she had. Leaving these nerves, where they were. Just like her eyes, can stay in place. Save me plenty of work, not to mention the worry.

For the breed she was destined for, this would basically be it. Finishing of, closing it all. Looking at the canine ears, the long muzzle.

Hard, complicated work. Getting every detail right.