Sequel: Pretending to be Dead

Living Like You're Dead


You could see for miles without something obstructing your vision. Southern Georgia was almost all farmland. Occasionally they would pass a house - a fence or two but no one was around.

"Seems walker free." Daryl said while driving.
"It's nice out here, but it is hot." Addie added.

The blood from her head had run down her neck and down her back - her shirt was soaked with sweat and blood. She reached into her knapsack and found only two shirts. She took out a red t-shirt. Cap sleeves, and slightly low cut. She threw her bag into the backseat and laid the t-shirt on her lap. Then she looked at Daryl.

"Don't watch." she said.

"Watch? Watch what?" he playfully teased, although fully aware of what she was referring to.

"Don't watch me change!" she begged.

"Well it's awfully hard not to when your in my field of vison and I'm driving!"

"Well don't pay attention - watch those yellow lines there in the asphalt." she said while pointing her finger at the road.

Daryl smiled at stared at the road. Addie waited before she was sure he was going to be gentlemanly.

And Daryl was. He wanted her to trust him. Not treat him like a pervert. Although she was clearly in his vision, he wasn't looking directly at her but she was visible. She lifted the baby blue long sleeve shirt over her head. Daryl had the hardest time not swerving when her chest became exposed. She had on a bra. But that almost made it worse. It was bright red and it cupped her breasts and raised them to an incredibly beautiful height. Her stomach was lean - her ribs... still bruised. She pulled down her new red t-shirt. The cut was low, and with the bra, she was left with some enjoyable cleavage.

Daryl fought every muscle in his body not to turn his neck and stare. He could see she had an absolutely incredible body. Daryl just hoped she wouldn't be haunting his dreams again tonight.

"Merci." she said.

"Oh.. uh - yeah. No problem." he managed to get out.

The RV was out of gas before night had fallen. There was not much else they could do. They would drive their cars until gas could be found for the RV. Hopefully it'd last for a week on it's own out here. They decided that where the RV gave up was a good place for camp so Daryl followed them and stopped the car. Daryl shut his door very quickly and ran around to the other side to greet Addie at her own door. He opened it and offered his hand.

She took it with pleasure. She felt his calloused fingers against her palm.

They nearest building seemed to be a small school house. The cars they could still move were hidden behind it as Rick and Shane made there way to clear the building. Inside was nothing but some tossed over writing desks. This school was old - but as long as it left a roof over their head they were pleased. There was a bathroom in the school - but it had been deemed off limits in account of a rancid smell. So instead they lay blankets on the ground so everyone could sleep.

They decided not to build a fire so as to not draw any attention. Now that they had less cover - fires could be seen for miles. Without heat they could only eat the freeze-dried food Addie had brought. There were soup cans that when opened seemed to heat themselves - and everyone was pleased they ended up with hot food anyway.

The men took a position by the door while the women took their children furthest from the door. Addie had leaned agains a desk at the side of the school house. And her knapsack was what she lay her head on while she tried to sleep.

Instead she found none. Her back couldn't deal with a wooden floor.

Daryl came over after his first shift of watch and found Addie still awake.

"Here." he said. He handed her a flannel blanket, one she reluctantly took. She wrapped it around herself and watched him walk to the opposite side of the house. He leaned against the wall looking at her.

Addie stood up and walked over to Daryl. She didn't say a single word. She just sat next to him and draped the blanket over his shoulder as well. She felt the heat from his body instantly warm her - and his skin smelled so good. His clothing was soiled from sweat and blood stains - but his skin seemed free from any unruly odors. She took in his smell and his warmth and she let herself fall asleep while they sat in silence.

Daryl looked at the sleeping woman that lay next to him. She had first fallen asleep in his shoulder - and then he laid her down, carefully he cradled her neck and tried not to disturb any of her sore ribs. She was fast asleep - he took a place next to her, and draped the blanket back over them. Daryl tried not to think of her when he fell asleep... but her scent crept up his nostrils ever so delightfully.
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Ah! Cuddle anyone? Everything is edited from chapters 1-9! So back to regular posts.