Sequel: Pretending to be Dead

Living Like You're Dead

Fight to Fall

"Shane get off!" she said.

"Just stop worrying, I'll take care of you." he said. Then she pushed him with everything she had. He actually moved. His hand flew out of her underwear, tearing them, and they fell back onto the bed, almost in the same position he'd been in before - but this time he felt her fear. He got off her and said nothing.

Addie flew off the bed and out of the room as fast as her feet would carry her. She shut the door behind her, and let out a quivering breath that had been held into for a very long time. She felt like she could vomit.

"Addie hasn't come into eat." Daryl thought. He wondered if she was okay. He felt compelled to look for her but the alcohol made him care less. He just stayed in the armchair in the back of the study. There were many books here, but none of them interested Daryl. Maybe one did, Hunting: A guide to Nets maybe now he could properly diagnose the net from the forest.

After nearly an hour of reading what he already knew. Daryl went to sleep off whatever hangover was catching up to him. He turned off the camping lamp in the kitchen, and walked down the hall to the staircase. He walked up to the 2nd floor and heard a door slam. Addie couldn't get to the stairs without passing Daryl. She didn't want him seeing her like this. So she covered her face with her hands and just walked. She didn't get very far because he would not let her pass.

"What were you doing in there?" he asked her. She didn't answer him. She had been molested while thinking it was him. That would be very awkward to explain. "Photos." was all she said back. Her faced was flushed, very warm. Daryl raised the back of his hand to her cheek and felt her warmth.

"Hey.. no - are you alright?" she shook her head no. She decided she should get to at least feel Daryl after that ordeal. She buried her face deep into his chest, and his arms slowly found their way around her. She still felt like she was going to be sick. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her back from him. He was going to say something to her, something assuring. But his middle finger and thumb found it strangely odd that there was a loose flap of cloth there. He looked at her and then down at the tear in her underwear. He immediately lost it.

"This better have snagged on a nail." he said flatly.
"No - but I-" before she could finish Daryl was already looking at the door she had come out of. The last one on the hall. "It's not like that - Daryl PLEASE!" she said.
His built frame was no match for hers when she pulled back on his shoulders trying to stop him. He busted through Shane's door with ease. She felt even sicker now.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Daryl yelled.

"So you go crying to you little trailer dog." Shane directed at her.

"Oh. Really? She said you didn't do nothin' but now I think I have reason to believe you did." Daryl retorted.

"No way man - that bitch of yours wanted it. She was all over me."

"I killed the last guy who fucked with her, and I with kill you." Daryl said.

"Go back to your beers Daryl." Shane said "Maybe you'll turn into Merle and we'll leave you stranded somewhere too."

Daryl was so far gone when his fist first made contact with Shane's face. Shane got in a punch or two, but then Daryl tripped him and slammed his body down on the floor.

"Daryl stop!" Addie screamed. "STOP IT STOP IT!"

"Why would you protect this fucker?!" Daryl yelled with his fist only a foot from Shane's, and the other buried deep within his collar. Now it felt really hot. Dale had appeared from down the hall.

"What's going on here?" he asked, he had clearly been woken up. Addie's face felt like it was melting.

"Daryl stop it!" she pleaded. She reached over to grab his arm, she barely missed his hand when he swung it backwards.

"Daryl you're going to hit Addie!" Dale said, and it seemed to calm Daryl down once the flash of hurting her entered his mind. He dropped Shane's collar and turned to look at her.

"So you defending him because you're his whore now?" Daryl asked her, Addie felt hurt strike her heart once again.

"Daryl of course not, I- I-" she stuttered. Daryl could tell it wasn't nerves making her stutter, her body was swaying and her face had droplets of sweat all over. Her eyes rolled back into her head, before she fell forwards, passing out. Daryl caught her in his arms as Dale came over. Dale lifted her arm and felt the heat radiating from it, Daryl felt it too. Daryl looked at Dale not wanting to hear the word that would come out of his mouth.

"Fever" was all he said.
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ahhhh haa. I wanted to wait and post this tomorrow.. but I couldn't do that to you guys. Comments would be nice :)