Sequel: Pretending to be Dead

Living Like You're Dead


The man outstretched his arm to shake Rick's hand on account of his trying to be polite, his hand shook uncontrollably, and Rick looked at it strangely.

"Don't mind this, genetics disease. Only we don't got no doctor to stop it now, so we just have to live with it." The man said, gesturing to his sons. "I'm John, this here is Jeremy, and that's Jason, but I don't reckon you can tell them apart."

"I'm Rick. What can we do for you?"

"Well we ain't had no resources except gas, and we've been without food for two days now."

"We have some food, some to share. But frankly we don't know ya'll - and if we let you inside, you'll have to get comfortable with guns near by."

"Sir, any hospitality is appreciated, we understand it's under the terms ya'll are comfortable with.

Rick looked at Lori, and she went inside, she took Carol, Sophia, Carl, and Abha upstairs. They had finished eating - and as a precaution should stay away from the newcomers.

Rick and Glenn gave them what was left from their dinner that night, they seemed to be hungry - and ate quite a bit. They favored the meat, less of the potatoes and canned vegetables. They mentioned about how the meant had been on the burner for too long, and that the redder it was, the better.

T seemed intimidating with his shotgun loaded as he sat next to the three men.

“We can send you on you way with some food for the next few days.” Rick said.

“That’s awfully nice of you.” He said.

“But Paw – I’m sure tired.” Jeremy said.

“Sorry Jeremy – but I reckon we best be on our way…” the man paused just long enough for Rick to think it over.

“Well we could muster up a spare bedroom –“ Daryl stood up and push Rick back into the hallway.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doin’?”

“Bein’ nice.” He said. “Something you’re not to fond of.”

“I’m not too fond of people staying in my house. Ones that we know nothing about and could be planning something.”

“They’re not.” Rick said. “Now If your so worried then go protect the only person you care about.

“They’re staying.” Daryl said angry as he slammed the door to their room. Addie had been concerned since they’d arrived, everyone had – they seemed nice – but they were still unsettling.

“But I won’t leave this room, and you won’t go anywhere without me.” Daryl said putting her face in his hands.

“I think we’ll be okay.” She said. “But you’re still going to be overprotective, aren’t you?”

“Damn straight. That’s my baby in there.” He said with a smile, and rested his hand on her stomach – Addie put her hand of his and smiled back at him.

“Do you think it’s crazy… how fast we fell for each other?”

“I didn’t fall.” He said. “You did. About four times I think.”

“I’m serious Daryl. It s legitimate question.”

“I think…” he said sitting on the bed sliding off his shoes. “…that everything these days… well the old rules don’t apply. They don’t apply at all. If you want to fall in love, have a baby, and get married all in twenty-four hours there’s nothing to stop you. “

“I’m pretty sure you hated me the first twenty-four hours.”

“Nah, kind felt bad for running you over. But law’s don’t apply no more. You can’t charge me, they won’t throw me in jail. See! Everything’s different.”

“Then what’s stopping you from marrying me Mr. Dixon?”
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sorry for no updates yesterday, pretty sinful eh? I'll post more, I know this one's short. :)