Sequel: Pretending to be Dead

Living Like You're Dead

To Keep You Safe

It was late - there was a dark sky overhead. On a clear night such as this Addie could see the maria of the moon. Several constellations were recognizable. Orion, ursa major, and minor. Soon Scorpius would be up, meaning orion would set. The scorpion would never be able to sting the mighty hunter.

"Yer gonna crane yer neck looking up like that."

"Perhaps, but at least I'll be able to see the stars."

"Yeah but ya won't be able to see any geeks comin'!"

Daryl said referring to her lack of watching, while in fact being on watch.

Addie lowered her head to look at the man who had sat next to her in the grass. They were in a field far from the road - the cars were hidden from sight behind an old dilapidated barn. It was best to not only keep them out of view of the walkers, but other survivors as well.

"How did you all find each other?"

"Some left town together - some we just ran into."

"Well you're lucky to have such nice people."

"Well... it is now."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Carol here," Daryl was referring to Sophia's mother. Her hair was short, incredibly short. Her body thin, and her eyes tired. "Her husband was with us... and lets say we tried not to leave him alone with Carol or any of the kids for that matter."


"Yeah but a geek got him a while back, and Carol's never been happier." Daryl stifled a laugh. "Ane everyone's pretty happy Merle is gone too."

"Why do you -" he cut her off and shook his head knowing what she was going to ask.

"Well look at me, Merle was one of them drawl drunk hicks. He spent a lot of time throwing racial slurs at T and Jacqui. He is pretty obnoxious, but he practically raised me."

"Well... Jacqui? Who's that?"

"She's gone too. She stayed behind at the CDC."

"But she's alive..."

"The CDC shut down." Daryl said blatantly.

Addie knew what that meant. The Center for Disease Control in Paris went out too. With a bang. Chemicals were to be released into the air after 24 hours without fuel, and at the end the chemicals were ignited, literally "Lighting the Air on Fire." It was meant so that anything harbored inside would be destroyed.

"How did...?" She trailed off. "How'd you come to be here now?"

"Geeks attacked our camp - and we lost a lot of people. And we decided to try our chances at the center... when we got there there were bodies in military suits maggots all over 'em. And there were bullet holes in everyone we saw... even little kids. Bodies were stacked up high and there was only one guy left in the whole complex."

"Wow... They all ran didn't they? At least thats what happening Paris."

"Yep - he stayed because of some promise to his wife. And he tried to lock us in - to keep us there - he said the air would catch on fire and it'd be painless. But I haven't eaten nothing but squirrel for weeks just to give up."

Addie smiled at his comment and looked up again, this time a cloud passed over the moon.
She looked around at the vehicles that seemed to be safe, and everyones tents seemed to be safe as well. They only had another hour of being on guard and then Addie would get to sleep for the first time in days.

"So you think he's really not dead?" Daryl asked.

"I know he's not. But I secretly hope he is. There these reports on this strain, they were on my grandfathers desk. It would take cells from the tongue, eyes, cartilage anything and try to rebuild damaged brain cells. The disease understands the human brain better than we do."

"So then were fighting this disease... not the zombies?"

"Thats a good way to put it."

After a restful night of sleep Addie was awoken by Sophia. Addie had slept in Carol and Sophia's tent seeing how they had the extra space.

"Its morning! Can I take them out now?" Sophia said referring to her braids.

"Of course, come here." she said smiling. Addie slowly untied the string while Sophia sat on her lap she untangled the braid carefully so as not to frizz the hair, and after she had undone both braids she tousled her fingers through Sophias hair. Her hair had become wavy due to the tightness of the braids, It looked like Addie's hair.

She looked at her reflection in a silver pot. "It's like yours!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, now you have prettier hair than me." Addie said. As the little girl ran outside to show her mother. And in stepped Rick, Shane, and Andrea.

Rick and Shane, they were the law of this caravan. Rick was obvious wearing around his sheriffs hat and uniform, and Shane - well you had to look at the patch on his shoulder to see that he too was a sheriff's deputy.

"Can you explain this... do you... how do you think that man is still alive?" Shane managed to get out.

"Well here," Addie handed Shane a file from her packback.

"I don't understand much of this..."

"The disease can mutate. Like it made patient X431 be faster, X232 could run, and lift cars. X111 had no legs but could crawl as if it were running. X400 could almost mouth words. All these people had been infected by the same person, B3. However there were more out there just like B3. More and more people were coming in showing signs of the mutated strain."

"Why would something like this happen?" Rick asked.

"Paris was one of the last CDC's to go down, why is that?" Andrea asked.

"I think it was because they were close to figuring it out. They had patients who had been bitten but weren't taken over by the fever, they lasted for almost two weeks before the disease finally won. I think they were close to a cure."

"A cure? Thats great!" Shane said.

"No, because it's what caused it to change. The disease is only trying to survive, and by doing that it makes it's hosts stronger."

"Okay well, maybe not so great." Andrea said.

"But this house... your sure we'll be safe?" Addie reached into her bad and pulled out an envelope. And handed it to Andrea.

It was written in english so coworkers of Addie's grandfather would have a hard time understanding it. Andrea took the liberty of reading it allowed.

My dearest Adeline,
Although I have come to know you, and raise you as my own daughter, I am fearful to say that our days together may be close to an end. Your mother would be proud to see the smart woman you've become and I think that I may soon be joining her. These times are dark, and even though there is evil out there I know that you will be a light among the darkness.

I leave everything to you, and I've thought of your safest option. I want you to gather your things, and leave France. You must fly to the states and find one of my many estates. The GPS in the choper will take you straight to it with these coordinates. Also there is a map enclosed with the surrounding area. I promise it's safe here.

My best duty in life was to keep you safe, and I will do that until I die.

My darling know that I love you.
-Alderic Moreau

2° 59' 11" N / 83° 38' 55" W

Andrea smiled, "I'm convinced."

"What! After that?" Shane stated.

"I don't care. Even if it isn't safe. I want to have a purpose. And going somewhere specific gives me that. I also have a gut feeling it might be our break." Andrea said.

"Shane, I feel we'll be safe there too." Rick added. Shane left frustrated, but defeated.

Tents packed, and supplies gathered. The caravan set off for further south.
Daryl had let Addie sit in his "brothers seat," again. He seemed fond of her when she didn't used large words. Although they were complete opposites Addie felt better with him than anyone else in the group. He didn't question her, he just took her for what she was.

And Daryl thought it was the strangest thing when he saw Addie in his dream last night. She had her dark curls pulled back, and she was wearing the shortest of shorts with a white tank top - and he found it strange that in the dream he was fully aware of her lack of undergarments. She had been sitting on his post fence back home and when she saw him she ran into his house. He followed her hoping it would lead to his bedroom, but instead she wasn't there.

He had woken up after that startle of confusion. And found it incredibly odd he had thought of her that way. So... incredibly odd.
♠ ♠ ♠
Anyways long chapter! I love this story, and I'm sorry for lack of action. I will not let you down though. suggestions and criticisms are nice. much love.