Sequel: Pretending to be Dead

Living Like You're Dead

The Dead of Night

With few words passing between the brothers, time passed incredibly slowly. The tension felt between one another hindered their abilities to want to talk, as well as the girl that lay on the floor. No one even moved except when Merle had finally given all he could to Addie.

The nausea built up in his stomach caused him to have to pull the needle out so that he could walk outside and vomit. When he retuned, he knew he couldn’t do anymore his vision was fuzzy, his neck was hot. His body wouldn’t let him give any more blood – he’d pass out before he could get the needle back in. He wrapped his arm in gauze to stop the bleeding. At least there was still a small amount left in the bag that Addie could finish.

“What about me?” Daryl asked.

“You have the same blood type as dad. Won’t work unless she’s the same as you.”

“And we don’t know what she is.”


The flesh color did seem to reappear onto Addie’s face. She had always been pale though – it was hard to tell if she was returning to normal or not. It had to be really early in he morning. It was still night outside, and no one had stirred from sleeping even though they had turned the downstairs into an emergency room.

When the bag was finally empty of blood Merle ejected the needle from her arm and wrapped it like he had done his, and then noticed something.

“Her shoulder.”

“What? What about it?”

“Well look.” Daryl bent over Addie’s figure and could see how disfigured her shoulder looked now. Unless you looked at her head on you wouldn’t see the knot that protruded from her body.

“Is it broken?”

“No, seems dislocated,” Merle said while rotating her arm.

“Now that I don’t know how to do.”

“Well isn’t there just a ball, and it goes into the shoulder?”

“Something like that.”

“Remember ‘ol Michael? From the bar?”

“The foot ball idiot?”

“Yeah he said his would dislocate all the time, and he could just pop it back into place.”


“I think you hold the arm straight, and press down here.” He said pointing.


“Well I’m not a damn doctor.”

Daryl took in a deep breath, one that seemed to lead to him being uncertain about everything. He didn’t know what was wrong with her – and he wanted to trust Merle but he found it very hard.

“Well what are you waiting for?”

“Her eyes.”

Addie’s eyes were clenched shut, as if she were in severe pain. Daryl cupped his hand to her face and she seemed to respond. Her eyes fluttered open and a smile crossed her face. Daryl let a soft laugh roll off his tongue. Her soft smile spread bigger and showed her teeth. She seemed to glance at Merle.

“So we made it?” she spoke.

“We made it.” Merle said.

“I knew I could trust you.” Was all she said as she closed her eyes once more. “My- my shoulder hurts.” The smile had left her lips, and was now a slight frown. Tears seemed to seep from the corner of her eyes, but she composed herself well for someone who was in unbearable pain. Daryl’s hands seemed to bring her some comfort.

“I’m not sure… how to fix it.”

“Applying…” she paused because of the pain, “pressure, over the,” another pause, “humerus should reconnect with the clavicle.” After that longer sentence she seemed to be out of breath, it wasn’t easy for her to talk while she was in pain.

“Wow, wished you were awake earlier.” Daryl said in response to her knowledge of the body.

“Wh-Why?” she said before noticing the bandage on her arm, she was instantly pleased at how quickly they acted to save her life, and how well they seemed to have done. Still pain radiated from her arm, every nerve on fire.

“Merle was the one who did it.”

“Well then you fix my shoulder.”

“I stitched your face!”

“Well Merle looks a little pale.”

Daryl looked at Merle, he face was pale and tired. She was right he should do it. She used her good arm to grab the belt still lying next to her. She bit down on the belt, and Daryl felt fearful for the pain that he might be about to cause. With a single nod she indicated she was ready and he pressed his hand to her shoulder and then added his body weight. He was sure this amount of pressure against a hardwood floor would hurt anyone. But she seemed to stay composed underneath clenched teeth. The loudest pop Daryl ever heard radiated from her shoulder.

Addie let a loud yelp escape her lips, and soon after Daryl heard the shuffling of feet head down the stairs.

Quickly the room filled with several people concerned with the audible yell of pain that had awoken them from their sleep. Worried faces appeared as the group gathered around the girl who was covered in blood - they noticed the ugly bandage on Addie’s face, the blood soaked shirt and rags all over the floor, and their faces turned to shock when they recognized Merle in their front room.

Addie’s face became strained the amount of people now gasping and asking her questions became overwhelming and uncomfortable. She was so weak that she couldn’t respond. Daryl began to push them back, ”give her space.” he said.

The group eventually fell silent; Andrea stroked her hair, another calming motion that calmed Addie. The fire from her should was now reduced to small embers of pain as she reached for Daryl’s hand. She could move her arm again, thanks to him. She gave him a slight smile as she closed her eyes.

“What happened?” someone asked.

Daryl didn’t even know. He had been in shock just seeing her broken like this, Merle must’ve saved her from something.

“I don’t really know. Merle brought her back.”

It seemed the blame was immediately brought to him, which was expected.

“How could you hurt her again?” Andrea asked the half asleep man. Merle took a moment to gather his thoughts, his brain ran slowly, he was tired and exhausted.

“She fell. Maybe eight feet, got pushed off a rock by some big walker.”

“Oh and I suppose you just rode in on a white horse to rescue her then?”

“You could say that. It’s quite difficult shooting a rifle with one hand.”

Andrea was still not convinced, but she turned her attention to Addie,
“Let’s get her cleaned up, she’ll need as much water as she can drink when she’s able.” Daryl lifted her body, and Merle attempted to stand he quickly fell back onto the couch, too lightheaded to even stand.

“Merle needs to stay here, he gave her a lot of blood.”

“What!?” seemed to come from several people. The bandages on their arms explained what had taken place, but the action was still shocking, a transfusion, in the middle of nowhere. Rick helped position Addie in Daryl’s arms so that she was easier to carry.

He finally got to his bedroom and laid her on her side of the bed where she belonged. The group seemed to follow him, all wondering about her safety, her heath, what had happened. Daryl shut the door and waited for her to open her eyes once more.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah comments! they rock and make me update faster.