Sequel: Pink Lips
Status: One Shot

Brown Eyes

Brown Eyes

Her black hair fell in front of her dark brown eyes as she stared down at her sketch, I wonder what she’s drawing.

I hated when her eyes were covered from me, I loved them.

She insisted there was nothing special about them; they aren’t light and almost hazel and they aren’t dark enough to look black they are just dark brown, she had huffed once angry I had said they were beautiful.

“What are you staring at?” My eyes widened a moment out of shock.

“How did you know I was staring?” I asked the young girl who still kept her eyes on her work.

“I just do,” she shrugged.

I sighed wishing, hoping, wanting her to look up.

Those eyes.

They were amazing. It’s not about the color; I once tried to explain, it’s… the way she uses them; to stare into my soul, trace a lie, make my knees go weak.

She had a gift with those eyes and I couldn’t explain it…

I sighed lying down; with the soft bed in her room beneath me I stared at the ceiling.

“Why did you move?” She huffed.

“Why?” I asked trying to meet her gaze but she had turned away.

“I was drawing you,” she whispered it shyly and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Can I see?”

“No,” she huffed as she collapsed beside me clutching the sketch pad to her chest.

I smiled before propping up on my elbow and staring down at her, her eyes were shut now in a content state. I didn’t want to disturb her but I needed to see her eyes.

It’s what drew me in when I first met her.

I listened as she explained her story, asked her to help with the investigation, and even offered her a ride home the next day.

Her eyes kept me sane, wiped my fear away when a spirit followed me home, and told me everything was going to be OK when I left.

“Open your eyes,” I whispered down at her.

A smile grazed her pink lips as she thought it over.

She knew what her eyes did to me, made me melt, kept me captive, and made me her slave.

After a moment she shook her head.

Sighing I lean down next to her ear and whisper please so softly I almost didn’t hear it but I know she did.

I notice goose bumps form on the skin of her neck and collarbone. I smirk satisfied with the results.

Finally after a moment her eye lashes separate and her dark brown orbs stare at me evaluating my every move as if she could see into my thoughts, I was certain she could read my soul.

I hoped not; it would ruin what I wanted to say if she had already known.

My breath caught in my throat as I just stared down at her.

“Zak?” She whispered softly after I didn’t say anything. I don’t even think I was breathing yet.

I wasn’t.

Finally I opened my mouth and it came out with a gust of air that I had been holding, or rather that had been stuck…

“I love you.”
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