Snape's Daughter

Prolog: Alex Snape/Russo


Deep in the dark and dead forest laid a little stone cottage. Dead vines weaved in and out of each other, the last of the flower petals fell to the ice covered ground.
In the little cottage lived a small family just made up of a daughter and a father. Alex Snape looked out the window to see it snowing. She smiled wide as the snowflakes started to stick to the cold hard ice floor.

“Alex?” she heard her father ask.

“Yes daddy?” she asked.

“What would you like for your birthday?” Alex smiled and that just melted Severus heart. The only thing that could melt his cold heart was his 5 year old daughter Alexandera also known as Alex.

“I want to go to Hogwarts,” she said giggling. His smile faded.

“You know I can’t do that,” Severus said kneeling down to be face to face with his daughter.

“I know daddy, I’ll be able to go when I’m 11 and I can’t wait to be just like you,” Severus had a tear run down his cheek.

“Your mothers here,” Snape told her. The little girl grabbed a hold of her father and her overnight duffle bag. She smiled when she saw her mother and wiggled out of her father’s arms.

“Mommy when I’m grown I wanna be just like daddy,” her mother smiled.

“I know sweetie,” Severus watched as they walked towards the apparitiation point and apperated back to their village, and snape apperated to the Snape manor.
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Hey tell me what ya think