X Marks the Faerie

Chapter Sixteen: Faerie Stew

I presumed that Gaylen was okay. I didn’t hear the trolls talk about him or Saerien. I wondered about Sindri, and why he came back, or who brought him back for that matter. Necromancy was usually forbidden in this realm. I was once again, thrown into a cage and left there. This time I didn’t have Saerien to save me, though I wished for her to come for me. I looked around and saw nothing but darkness.

It was cold and malodorous wherever I was. Then I heard a whisper that could have possibly been my name and looked in the direction of the voice. “Sindri?” I whispered into the chilled air.

“Yeah, are you okay?” He asked.

I didn’t know whether to tell him the truth or not. If I told him that I wasn’t, then he would start interrogating me, trying to find out why and whatnot. I smiled even though I knew he couldn’t see me. “Yeah. Just cold.” There was silence again and I wondered if he believed me.

Then I heard loud laughing and felt the ground tremble. “Great.” I said harshly into the darkness. I saw a dim light starting to glow around what was a door opening; then stepping forward, I saw one of the trolls and I looked away. I didn't even want to look into the troll’s eyes. The thought of the troll even touching me was disgusting....and that's just what he did. The troll opened my cage, and grabbed ahold of me. I didn't even struggle, there was no point. I was basically useless against the trolls without my wings.

"A fine stew, the two of you shall make," The troll said as he carried me under his arm and walked towards another cage and unlocked it.

"Don't worry Kysha! Trolls are weak against fire magic!" He said.

I held my breath for a good long second as I waited for the darkness to be blown away by the light of his fire spell. The troll's laugh shook my whole body. Why hadn't his magic worked? What did the troll do to him?

"You be no ordinary faerie, life no longer flows through your veins. 'Tis an easy thing to stop your magic with the forcing of the herb, moly, down your throat whilst you slept," The troll spoke to Sindri as he picked him up, too.

The troll carried us out of the caged area, and out into their little village, apparently we had been kept in a little wooden shack next to a big tree. Two trolls walked hurriedly past us carrying a huge black pot. I looked to see where we were headed and saw around thirty trolls standing before a great big fire, and I knew exactly what lay in store for us. I just wondered how much stew could be made from little 'ole me.
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Ohhh nooo...will they survive?? =)