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How Does It Feel When Tears Freeze?

When Night Turns To Day

Im nerveous.
Im scared. 
Im terrified. 
These arent the feelings i should be getting when meeting my father for the first time in 15years. I slowly walk up the long driveway making sure to take in all of this house's beauty. 
I'll take you back a couple months so you know whats been happening in my life. 
2months ago i found out that my father's name was Robert Ortiz. I'd only heard of him from my friends mentioning how hot him and his band "Escape The Fate" were. I didnt know if this was the same person but i know that i didnt really want to find out, i was too scared to even look at the photo my mother gave me of him and her when they were at homecoming, the night i was concieved.
Also in that time 2months ago my mother got into a relationship.. With a man that disliked me to say the least. The scars ive gotten emotionally will never heal, that is why my mother started doing drugs.. To forget.. She cant stop him so she uses just to forget until she needs another fix. 
About one month ago i couldnt handle the pain anymore and i told my friends what was happening.. They rang the police on him for me and since then its been going okay, except my mother still uses because she believes he's in her mind and is controlling her somehow. 
2weeks after he was taken in he was sent to jail for child abuse. I could'nt be more happier. 
This brings me up to about a week ago. I was told that i was to pack my things and to go and live with my father in Las Vegas, Nevada. This wasnt because of my behavior or what happened with her relationship it was to do with the drugs. She could see what she was doing was hurting me so she decided it would be best because she couldnt handle the withdrawl. She was sending me away, 
Now it brings up to where i am now, squished up in a small cab on my way to Nevada. The place seems quiet... For now. 
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter! woo! Haha comment if u think i should keep this story BTW ITS MY FIRST ONE ;)