The Final Ending

The New Life To Start

"Edward, where exactly is she?" I asked, furious that I let Gabby go.

Edward spoke," She's with the Volturi, they took her because she said she'd go with them, so that Bella could stay a human."

Bella smacked me, but not hard," You shouldn't have done anything to that girl, all she ever did was love you, and you continually hurt her, at least with the Volturi, she has Alec, who from what Edward and Alice know, he's falling in love with her, now she'll feel free."

"I need her back, I can't live without her and-" I started to say, but Alice came in and was saying 'oh no, no, no, no, this isn't good"

Alice looked up at all of us and said the worst thing ever," The Volturi are going to turn her."

***Alec's POV***

"I would like to become a vampire, if it means I can be with him then so be it," I heard Gabby say from inside the room.

I opened the door so I could go get her and run because if Aro said it would be done, my sister Jane would kill her before she got the chance. Quickly, I ran over to Gabby, picked her up, and took off running. We went to the room where Gabby will be staying and I sat her on the bed, then closed and locked the door.

"Look, if anything happens, I want you to have this," I said, handing Gabby my necklace that has a ruby stone on it.

She got up and threw her arms around my neck, then she started to laugh. Gabby kissed my cheek, then let go of me. Turning to look at me, she waved, then opened the door and walked out. She's walking out to face Jane.
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S.O.S. - Abba