Up in Flames


All I've ever wanted is to be a hero...
With the one I love,
that special guy,
I can't live without.
Ever since the concept of saving someone came into my head,
all I've ever wanted to do
was to take someone's hand
and pull them out of the darkness.

But I always end up as the victim...
With the one I thought I loved,
that douche bag
I thought I couldn't live without.
Ever since he screwed me over,
all I've ever wanted to do,
was to take my fist
and slam it into his face.

And my heart goes up in flames...
Because of the one I fell for,
that guy who lied to me,
I thought was the one.
Ever since he broke my heart,
all I've ever wanted to do,
was to lock myself up,
and everyone else too.

Because tonight, I'm going up in flames.
♠ ♠ ♠
first, kind of chapter. It's really like that intro thing, or the poem before the actual story starts. Not exactly a preface or a prologue . But you know what I mean.

This is for one of my greatest friends, Michaela Lutz, who has officially given up on love. =) I love you wifey. This is what it's all about.