Falling in Love for Real

Falling in Love For Real Chapter 5

:Katherines pov:
OMG!!! Allstar weekend just said me and hailey sounded good. Ahhh. This is soo great. Whenever I look over at Cameron he's always staring at me and Hailey and Nathan are making googly eyes at eachother. It was kind of gross to watch. We gang out with the guys for a little bit and I walk off to use the restroom and when I come back they are all just having a blast. I didn't want to interupt them. It was too funny. Finally they heard me laughing and Cameron ran over to me picked me up and ran all over the place with me. I was laughing so hard.
:End of pov:

Katherine: Cameron!! Put me down!!

Cameron: Never!!

Katherine: Im getting dizzy!! If you don't want me to puke on you I'd put me down

Cameron: Ewww gross!! *puts Katherine down*

Katherine: Thank you *trys to walk around but ends up falling*

Cameron: Are you okay?

Katherine: Yeah I'm fine*starts laughing*

Zach: Hey Cameron the shows gonna start in like an hour. We need to go get ready.

Cameron: Okay zach.

:Katherine and Cameron walk back over to the group:

Nathan: How would you girls like to sit backstage for our show?

Hailey: We'd love to but we don't have the money.

Michael: Its okay baby gurl. We got it covered

Katherine: Really? Y'all would do that for us?

Zach: Of course. You girls are our friends now

Katherine: Okay

Hailey: We'd love to sit backstage at yalls concert

Cameron: Then it's settled.

Zach: Lets go

Allstar weekend and Katherine and Hailey all walk to the backstage area and the boys go and do their sound check and then they go into hair and make up.

Katherine: Break a leg guys!!

Hailey: Not literally

Nathan: Thanks girls

Allstar weekend go up on stage and do come down with love, dance forever, different side of me

Zach: Thank you so much everyone. We love you guys.

Nathan: The next song were gonna do is gonna have a little help from our 2 new friends

Cameron: Katherine, Hailey come on. We'd like for y'all to come and help us sing journey to the end of our life

Katherine and Hailey walk up on stage looking scared

Katherine:*Whispers to zach*I don't think I can do.

Hailey: *Whispers to Nathan* I might puke. I'm so nervous

Nathan: Your gonna do great

Zach: Youll do great Katherine*to the crowd* let's give our friends a big round of applause. They're a little nervous


Allstar weekend starts the song and katherine and Hailey sing the whole song with allstar weekend backing them up
after the song

Crowd:*clap and cheers loudly*

Katherine: Thank you so much

Hailey: Thank you. Y'all are a great crowd

Katherine and Hailey give the boys a glare before walking off stage

Okay im stopping here. I have school in like 5 hours. Well let me know what you think. Am I getting better? Anything I should change?