Forbidden Love

Good Night

“Umm, boys”, she said as she put down her keys and jacket. Ryan and Sean jumped up to their feet and away from each other. The look on her face was surprisingly calm for what she had just witnessed. “Sit” She motioned towards the couch they had just jumped off of.
Ryan and Sean looked back and forth between each other, and then sat back down.
“Mom”, Ryan began, “I know this is weird, but-“
“You don’t need to explain”, she said interrupting him. “I knew this was going to happen. I’ve been waiting for you guys to realize that you love each other since you were 10. The way you looked at each other, was the way I used to look at your father….”
“Was it in my eyes”, Ryan asked. He found it impossible that she knew that he loved Sean before he even knew.
“It was especially in your eyes, Ryan. You would look past people just to see the smile on Seans face. When you would go to the playground with other kids when you were younger, you didn’t pay attention to the girls like the other guys did, you watched Sean and everything he did… And Sean, I know you realized a few months back that you felt that way towards Ryan, you changed whenever he would enter the room or something. Your face would light up, and your eyes would glow, and you’d just be smiling… so when did ‘this’ happen?”
Sean had a gorgeous smile painted on his face. “Today, I told him during our little Saturday game that we play….”
“The truth game thing? Well, I guess it is a truth…. Ryan when did you realize that you felt like this?”
Ryan felt awkward, he was telling his mom uncomfortable stuff…. “Earlier today, when Sean kissed me….”
She nodded her head, “That’s cool. Did you fuck yet?”
“Mom”, Sean and Ryan screamed in unison.
“Yeah, none of my business, I know. Hmmm, I’ll take that as a yes, plus the smell of sex lingers in the air in here… umm, where did you- nope, nevermind, don’t answer that question; I’m afraid to know the answer. I’ve got a headache; I’m going to bed, goodnight my babies. I love you no matter what.” With that, she stood and left the room.
Ryan and Sean looked at each other. Ryan stood and walked to his room, Sean quietly followed behind. They lay on the bed and Ryan wrapped his arms around Sean’s waist and they silently fell asleep.
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oh, happiness... :))
still not done though, keep up.. :))
Love you all... :))