Status: I'm not sure how long this is going to be so bare with me for a bit

Let Me In


The first girl Matt ever loved was Lyssa Cruz; she was the most beautiful girl he had ever met. He knew at 14 years old that she was going to be the only girl he spent the rest of his life with when they took their relationship to the next level. About a month later Lyssa and her family just packed their things and left without saying a word, Matt was heartbroken. He tried everything to try and find her but it was useless she was nowhere to be found so he moved on with his life.

Lyssa loved Matt with all of her heart. When she got pregnant she knew that she was supposed to be with Matt for the rest of her life, but her parents thought otherwise. They pack up everything one night and moved all the way across the country to Maine. At the age of 14 Lyssa was giving birth to a beautiful baby girl that she named Katarina Cruz. She tried to call Matt and tell him about Kat but she could never bring herself to do it afraid of how he would react. Throughout the years Lyssa never forgot about Matt; she documented every moment of Kat’s life so that if the day ever came for her to finally step up to the plate to tell Matt about their daughter she would be ready. She kept everything in a box labeled Matt underneath her bed.

When Lyssa’s parents moved her across country they cut her off from all of her friends except for one, her best friend Camilla. Camilla kept Lyssa informed of everything that Matt did, from all of his girlfriends to the beginning of his music career. Some might say that this was a bit stalkerish thing that Lyssa was doing having her best friend spy and keep tabs on her ex, but Lyssa never asked Camilla to do this for her she did it on her own. Lyssa was grateful that Camilla had done that because when the time came for Kat to start asking questions about her father she had all of the answers. Lyssa had told Kat to never tell anyone who her father was because he didn’t even know he was and Kat was just fine with that. Her and her mother did just fine without him so she never saw the need to tell anyone about him.

Katarina Cruz was a perfect mix of both of her parents. She looked exactly like her mother except she had her father’s eyes. She also had Matt’s personality along with his attitude problem that got her into trouble most of the time. Kat wasn’t a total wild child but she knew what she wanted and how she wanted it and if it wasn’t done the way that she wanted it then there was problems. She also got Matt’s passion for music she loved playing her guitar and singing whenever she needed a break from everything.

At 14 Kat’s mother Lyssa started to date again which was a bittersweet ordeal for Kat. She wanted her mother to be happy but she didn’t want to share her mother with anyone. One night Lyssa came home with a man named Tony Garrafa and he was nice although Kat always had a bad feeling about him whenever he came around. For the first few months Tony was really nice and caring towards both of them making them feel like princesses. A month before Kat turned 15 everything started going south. Tony started to become violent whenever something didn’t go his way and soon every little thing caused Tony to snap.

One night Tony forced himself on Kat when Lyssa wasn’t home. For a while Kat was afraid of telling her mother what had happened fearing that Tony would only beat the both of them and act like nothing happened. After Tony raped her mother when she refused to have sex with him one night Kat had enough, she told her mother what happened between the two of them and Lyssa decided that that was enough. When Tony was out at work Lyssa packed up all of his stuff and placed it on the front yard, she also changed the lock on the door and the garage door. Tony came home and snapped when he couldn’t get into the house. That night Tony killed Lyssa, and when he realized what he had done he killed himself.

The police found Kat hidden under the stairs inside a closet. Kat would have been placed in the foster care system had she had not stated that she knew her father and where he lived. And that is how Kat went from living without her father for 15 years to having him be forced into her life in just a few seconds.

The court contacted Matt as soon as Kat gave up his name and information. At first Matt thought that this whole thing was a joke but as soon as they mentioned Lyssa’s name he knew it wasn’t a joke and put the pieces together. For the next few days Matt beat himself up for not trying harder to look for Lyssa. He quickly agreed to take Kat since she was his daughter without a doubt in his mind he only hoped that after so many years he would let him in.
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Word count:: 895

This was just a background info I wasn't going to write it but as I started writing the first chapter this just started to flow out. I hope you all like this story because after writing this I am really excited to write it.