Status: I'm not sure how long this is going to be so bare with me for a bit

Let Me In


“Open the fucking door Lyssa I know you’re in there you fucking tramp!” Tony screamed from outside the front door.

“Go hide in the closet Kat, now! And don’t you come out of there no matter what you hear do you hear me?” my mother whispered to me. Once I nodded my head she turned me around and pushed me towards the closet under the stairs. “I love you baby girl” she whispered to me as I closed the door.

I hugged my knees to my chest as I heard a loud crash coming from the other side of the door.

“What the hell is wrong with you bitch? Why did you change the locks and why the hell is my shit outside?” Tony yelled furiously at my mother.

“Because I want you out of my fucking life, Kat told me what you did to her and that was the last straw so turn around and leave without a scene and I won’t call the police” my mother said holding her ground. I heard a vase break on the wall and I knew Tony must have threw it at my mother.

“Now listen here you fucking cunt there is no way I am leaving this house nor you. The only way I am leaving is in a fucking body bag do I make myself clear?” Tony hissed before he groaned, “Come here you fucking bitch!” He yelled.

My mother’s screams filled the air as tears began to stream down my face. And then everything went silent. It was like that for the next half an hour. I was too scared to leave the confines of the closet fearing that Tony was on the other side just waiting for me. All of a sudden the door swung open and I let out a scream.

“It’s ok Miss everything is alright you can come out now” a deep gentle voice told me. I looked up to meet the gaze of a blue eyed police officer with his hand held out for me. I grabbed it and walked out the closet slowly. As soon as I was out I remembered my mother and took off in search for her.

“Mom” I called out as I ran into the kitchen. My eyes did a quick sweep around before landing at the space in front of the refrigerator. There lying on the ground were the bodies of my mother and Tony…dead.

“No!” I screamed waking myself up from my nightmare causing the woman next to me to jolt awake.

It had been two months since that night and every night since then I had the same nightmare. I felt so hollow inside my mother was my everything and she had been taken away from me in an instant causing my whole world to change. If I wasn’t so scared of Tony I would have done something that night to help my mother rather than just sit in the closet under the stairs helpless. That is the one thing that bothered me the most that I sat there and did nothing while Tony killed my mother. If he was alive I would kill him now but he wasn’t because the coward took his own life.

“Passengers please place your seats back in their upright positions and buckle up, we will be landing in LAX in just a few moments” the flight attendant said over the planes PA system.

I let out a sigh and pressed the button to bring the seat up. A week ago Child Protective Services were trying to place me in a foster home but I had given them my father’s name and address in Huntington Beach, California because I had always felt that a foster home was for those children that had lost both of their parents. I still had my father so I didn’t see the need to be placed within the system no matter how much I didn’t want to be with him. As soon as the plane landed and everyone was off of the plane my case worker leaded me off the plane to the place where I would be meeting my father.

“Now where is he…ah there he goes” she said grabbing a hold to my arm and dragging me over towards him, “Hello there Mr. Sanders.”

“Hello and please call me Matt” my father said softly quickly glancing at her before staring at me.

“Can we hurry this up please?” I said with a bit of an attitude feeling slightly uncomfortable. The case worker made my father sign a few things before she handed him my backpack.

“Thank you very much Matt” she said quickly before turning around and leaving. We both stood there in silence as we watched her walk away.

“So” my father said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, “are you ready to go?”

“If I have to” I huffed walking off towards baggage claim.

From the baggage claim, to the walk toward his car and even the drive home my father and I didn’t say one word to each other even though I knew he wanted to say something. Even if he did speak to me I wasn’t going to give him the time of day.

“This is where you fucking live” I gasped as we pulled into his driveway.

“Yea and watch your language” he said putting the car in park and turned it off.

“Whatever” I scoffed getting out and walking toward the trunk grabbing my luggage. He offered to help me but I refused it and carried everything to the front door myself.

“Welcome home Katarina” He smiled at me as he opened the door. As soon as he walked in he was greeted by a beautiful golden retriever. He bent down and scratched the top of the dogs head before it walked over towards me sniffing my feet. I smiled placing my bags on the floor and bending down scratching the dog’s head just as my father had done a few seconds before. I could hear him let out a chuckle when the dog started licking my face as he closed the door behind me.

“This is Bella” he smiled at me picking up my things and walking them further into the house. I stood up and followed him with Bella following behind me. I stopped short when I walked into the living room where a group of people sitting on the couch waiting for me. Their heads whipped in my direction as soon as they heard me and gasps escaped from each of their mouths.

“Katarina these are my friends, band mates and your uncles Brian, Zacky, and Johnny and their girlfriends. And this is my wife Val” my father said introducing everyone.

“Hi” I said quickly looking at everyone, “uh where am I sleeping Matt?” I asked my father.

“It’s dad” he quickly corrected me.

“No uh I like Matt better thank you very much”

A short sigh passed from his lips as he motioned me to follow him. I felt everyone’s eyes on me as I left the room. This is one nightmare I won’t be waking up from I thought to myself following my father to my new room.
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here's the next chapter I hope you all like it =]

Kat's outfit