Status: I'm not sure how long this is going to be so bare with me for a bit

Let Me In

Welcoming party

“Here you go I hope you like it” Matt smiled at me motioning me in.

“Doubt it” I mumbled as I walked in.

I couldn’t believe that the room that Matt had showed me was mine; I was in complete awe as I looked around. It was completely over done to suit the needs of a princess in every way possible, it wasn’t me at all but I liked it. Of course I wouldn’t let Matt know that I liked how the room looked not yet. I plopped my suitcase on the bed and started unpacking wanting to get it done now since I was extremely tired. As I was unpacking I noticed that Matt and Val had unpacked and put away everything of mine that the court had sent over; which I was grateful for since it meant less work for me to do.

Once everything was put away I took off my boots, pants, jacket, hat and glasses, leaving me in just my shirt and my underwear, and jumped right onto my queen size bed. Lying on the bed made me feel as though I was sleeping on a cloud because of how soft it was. I crawled underneath the covers and instantly fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillows.

I shot my eyes wide open as my nightmare came to an end. I looked over at the clock on my night stand and saw that it was now 9pm. The sweet sound of Metallica’s Enter Sandman filled the air and I wondered what was going on downstairs. I kicked off the covers and got out of bed pulling my pant’s back on along with my glasses and slipped on my slippers that I had placed underneath the bed. I changed my shirt and made my way downstairs to find that there was a party going on.

“What the hell is this?” I called out to Matt as I saw him walk past me.

“It’s a party…for you actually” Matt said rubbing the back of his neck, “all of my friends wanted to meet you so they came over and usually when everyone comes over it just turns into a big party.”

I was about to say something but I heard a loud crash and someone yelling that they were ok making me giggle. Matt shook his head and started laughing as well when he heard Val yelling at the person because they broke her lamp.

“Come on Katarina I want you to meet some people” he said motioning me to follow him. I didn’t see the harm in meeting my father’s friends so I followed him.

“I hate being called Katarina by the way it makes me feel like I did something wrong” I said to Matt.

“So then what do you want me to call you?”

“Kat is fine” I shrugged stepping outside.

Matt nodded and led me over towards a group of people introducing me to them. With every person that I was introduced to if they knew my mother they gasped, said that I looked so much like her and then gave me their condolences; for the people who didn’t know my mother they simply just gave me their condolences. After a while I got tired of hearing people tell me that they were sorry that my mother had passed so when Matt’s back was turned as he was taking me to meet yet another group of people I quickly made my exit towards the stairs that led to the beach.

This was the major reason why I gave up my father’s name to the court so quickly because I knew that he lived near the beach and I’ve always wanted to live near the beach. I took off my slippers and stepped onto the cool sand walking closer to the waves and sitting down. I felt like I was staring at the waves for almost an hour before I was startled by someone that sat next to me.

“Got tired of your own party?” the girl smiled looking at me.

I turned to look at her and then shrugged looking back at the ocean. “I got tired of people telling me how sorry they were that my mother was killed by her insane boyfriend” I said softly.

“Yea I would’ve too. I’m Elle by the way I don’t think we’ve met” Elle said sticking her hand out.

“We probably haven’t Matt’s been pulling me around introducing me to all of his friends. It’s nice to meet you Elle I’m Kat” I smiled at her shaking her hand. I looked at her up and down taking in her appearance. She looked like someone that I probably would have hung out with at home.

“How about we go back to the party I can help you avoid people so you won’t have to hear them give you their condolences” Elle said standing up.

“Alright I was getting pretty bored out here anyway” I sighed standing up and following her back to the party.

Elle was true to her word when we got back to the party whenever someone came up to me and started to utter the words “I’m sorry” she would pull me away in a heartbeat. I was surprised to find out that Elle was Zack’s little sister, I would have never guessed it if it wasn’t for Zacky coming over and telling her that they were leaving at 1am. The party finished not too long after they left which I was glad about because dodging people the rest of the night really wore me out.

Because of Tony I could never go to sleep with the house looking like a complete wreck. So before I went to bed I started to clean the whole house even though both Val and Matt urged me not to as they were walking up the stairs claiming that they would do it in the morning. Once everything was cleaned and all of the trash was in bags I made my way up the stairs.

While I was passing Matt and Val’s room I overheard them talking.

“I don’t think she likes me Val” Matt spoke quietly. I could hear the sadness in his voice when he said that.

“She just lost her mother Matt she needs some time”

“Your right I guess” Matt said softly.

I quietly sighed and tip-toed pass their room not wanting them to know that I had just listened to part of their conversation. I walked into my room and slipped on my pajamas and climbed back into my bed. It took me a while to get comfortable because I kept hearing what Matt had said about me not liking him, which was right I didn’t like him not one bit because I never needed him. But somewhere inside of my head I kept hearing a voice telling me to give him a chance and let him in. I probably would have giving Matt a chance from the very beginning if the circumstances were a bit different but they weren’t so I wasn’t. After a while I finally started to feel myself drifting to sleep hoping that I wouldn’t have the same nightmare as I did earlier.
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So as I was writing I liked the beginning but as I got to the end of the chapter I didn't know how I felt about it. I would have posted it sooner but I had some writing assignments to do for my criminology classes and those took a few days to do I'm sorry. Anywho here it goes..tell me what you think =]

Kat's room
Kat's party outfit& pajamas