Status: :3

Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Highschoolers


“M-Mom!” Gerard cried, frantically pulling blankets over himself to protect him from the light.

Mikey’s stomach was churning, he made brief eye contact with Frank, then hung his head.

“Mikey, do you want to explain?” His mom asked sternly. She asked him, mostly because he wouldn’t lie to her, and because Gerard was howling in pain from the light. Mikey slowly looked into his mom’s eyes. His mom was small, yet stern with dark hair like Frank’s. Mikey burst into tears after staring helplessly at his mom for a moment.

“I got sent to detention!” Mikey wailed. Ray gently patted his back.

“I… did too…” Frank mumbled, looking down at Gerard, who had stopped moving.

“How did you get sent to detention?” Mikey’s mom asked, firmly. Mikey kept trembling in fear. He didn’t want to tell her. He couldn’t. He heard a distant voice in the back of his head… “you know where liars go…” Mikey shivered.

“Frankie and I screamed in the library.” Mikey closed his eyes tight after he said it. He didn’t want to see his mom’s disapproving face.

“What did I say about screaming in libraries!?” His mom screeched after a moment of solid silence. Mikey flinched away from the sound. “Gerard and Mikey! If there was one thing I taught you, it was to NOT scream in libraries! Mikey, how could you, and Gerard, how could you let this happen!?”

“G-Gerard told me to…” Mikey mumbled to the floor. He opened one eye to see the livid face of his mother. Her eyes turned to Gerard. What little movement Gerard still did, left now. He was frozen, trying to blend in with the floor.

“Gerard! How could you tell Mikey to scream in the library!? Didn’t I raise you right!?” Gerard and Mikey’s mom began to look like she was about to pass out. The woe and shame brought upon her from her boys screaming in a library was too much. “Mikey, no more reading math books for fun! And Gerard, you have to have the lights on when you’re in here from now on!”

Two groans came from her boys, complaining about how unfair she was. “Until when mom?” They moaned.

“Until I say so!” Their mom said, leaving the room. A few minutes later, Mikey could smell chocolatechip cookies baking in the oven. His mom was always cooking something, whether she was happy, sad, mad, or stressed.

Mikey pouted for a moment. He’d miss reading about math before going to bed, but he’d live. Frank and Ray were coaxing Gerard out from under the blanket. “You won’t get sunburn from a lightbulb.” Ray said, attempting to reassure Gerard. His and Frank’s attempts proved themselves successful.

“Thanks a lot Mikey!” Gerard said, sounding like a child. “If you hadn’t ratted me out, I wouldn’t have to have the lights on right now!”

Mikey tuned the rant Gerard was having out. He yawned and looked at the clock. “Oh gobstoppers!” Mikey exclaimed, “It’s 8:00! That’s my bedtime!” Mikey leapt to his feet and down the hallway to his room. Mikey changed into his pajamas, fluffed his pillow and curled up under the warm blankets. It was a weird feeling falling asleep without his math book, but Mikey was sure he’d fall asleep eventually.

As he was falling asleep, Mikey could hear footsteps in Gerard’s room and in the hallway, hovering outside his room. He ignored the footsteps, and fell into a deep sleep, with high hopes for tomorrow.