Status: :3

Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Highschoolers


Gerard was up bright and early the next day. He wasn’t usually an early riser, but the truth was he hadn’t actually slept at all the night before. He had been too busy drawing pictures of him and Frank, and making Frank an elaborate friendship bracelet.

Mikey came trudging down the stairs in his bunny-rabbit patterned footie pajamas, rubbing his eyes sleepily and clutching his favorite unicorn toy. Gerard, who was making a giant pot of coffee, turned around.

“Good morning, brother,” Gerard said.

Mikey yawned. “Morning, Ge –”

“LOOK WHAT I MADE!” Gerard yelled suddenly, shoving the friendship bracelet he had made for Frank in Mikey’s face. The bracelet was made of Skittles. Gerard had laboriously drove a needle through each Skittle, stringing them on elastic.

“It’s pretty,” said Mikey.

“I know,” said Gerard, clutching it to his chest. “Do you think Frankie will like it?”

“I – ”

“The coffee’s ready!” shouted Gerard, and he skipped over to pour himself a cup. Next he went to the cabinet and looked across the shelf, trying to decide on what to eat for breakfast. He whistled as he pulled out a box of Frakenberries and poured himself a bowl. He grabbed the milk from the fridge and sat down.

“Frankie called me last night,” Gerard announced. “He told me that he learned how to use the phone just for me!”

Gerard lifted the milk carton and lustily poured milk all over his cereal.

Mikey shivered in disgust. “Yucky, milk!” he exclaimed

“I sure do love breakfast cereal,” said Gerard.

“But milk is yucky,” whimpered Mikey.

Gerard ignored him and took a giant sip of his coffee.

Presently, they both began to hear a small scratching sound at their front door. Mikey squeaked in fear, and cowered behind Gerard. “S-Slenderman…” he whispered.

Gerard got up and swept to the door, where the scratching was getting louder. He peered through the peephole and whooped with joy when he saw what awaited him on his porch. Gerard threw open the door to reveal Frank crouched on their porch steps. Frank squealed with joy when he saw Gerard and Mikey, and threw himself forward to hug Gerard’s legs.

“Frankie! I’m so glad you’re here!” exclaimed Gerard. Frank had actually been there since around 5 that morning when his mother had forced him to get up, and dropped him off at the school building, forgetting what time school started. Frank had walked to Gerard and Mikey's house from there, and waited outside.

“Come in!” yelled Gerard, and led Frank inside. “That’s the door,” Gerard said, giving Frank the tour of the house. “And this is the hallway, and that’s a side table, and there’s the rug, and this is the kitchen, and that’s our fridge, and that’s my breakfast.”

Gerard sat down at the table to finish his breakfast. “Want some?” he asked, holding out the Frankenberries and milk to Frank.

“Yucky, milk,” said Frank. Mikey smiled at him gratefully.

“Mikey! Go get ready for school,” Gerard commanded. “We can’t be late.”

Mikey hung his head unhappily and slunk up the stairs to put on his uniform.

Gerard checked his watch. “Jiminy Christmas!” he said. “It’s later than I thought. I still have to do my makeup.” He rushed to the bathroom to fix his hair, and used makeup to conceal the dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. Gerard was a pro when it came to beautifying himself, so he got it done pretty fast.

After that, Gerard and Frank went outside to wait for Mikey. “Hey Frankie,” said Gerard. “I made you something.”

Frank looked expectantly up at Gerard, who produced the Skittle bracelet and shoved it at him, smiling bashfully.

Frank screamed, full of pure joy, and immediately ate the bracelet, string and all. Gerard didn’t care. He giggled, and twirled a piece of his hair.

Mikey came out the door just then. He looked rather pale and unhappy, but Gerard was in too much of a mood to notice.

“Well, let’s go,” said Gerard, and the three of them began walking together, Gerard and Frank in the front, and Mikey trailing behind.

Behind them, Gerard and Mikey’s mother leaned out the front door. “Have a good day at school, boys!” she called.
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Can you even pour milk lustily? I have no idea. Don't ask me what's wrong with me - I don't know that either!