Status: :3

Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Highschoolers


Mikey had gotten scared. While pulling on his much too small blazer and fastening his tie carefully around his neck he had heard a loud crash. Little did he know, it was just Gerard making a bunch of noise a few rooms over while doing his make-up. Mikey didn't move for a few minutes, and took up a kung-fu stance. Mikey was a black-belt in kung-fu, but he never told Gerard that. Or anyone for that matter.

Mikey eased his way down the stairs, not making too much noise. When he made it down, he tried to collect himself to try to look brave in front of Gerard and Frank. Together the three of them left. Gerard and Frank didn't take notice of his mom calling after them, but Mikey turned and waved her goodbye.

Mikey walked a few steps behind Gerard and Frank. They were giggling nonstop and talking about how tall Frank would one day grow. Mikey wished he had Ray to talk to. Someone to giggle with...

Mikey took of his glasses and tried to clean them off on his blazer. Because he was unable to see where he was going, he ended up tripping over his feet and falling on his face. "Oww...." He mumbled to the ground.

"Mikey!" Gerard called back, "Hurry up, we're gonna' be late!"

Mikey crawled back to his feet and put his glasses firmly back on his face. He ran a few feet to catch up with Gerard and Frank.

When the three made it to the big brick building they were joined by Ray. Mikey couldn't help but smiling. Gerard and Frank were now playing a game of tag and were running around the school yard. Mikey watched as Ryan appeared almost out of nowhere pulling Brendon in to join the game.

"I can't play tag." Mikey informed Ray. "I'd get hurt."

"I can't either. Laurence won't let me..." Ray said. Mikey didn't want to ask who Laurence was. He figured he was just a bully like Pete.


Mikey scanned around for Pete. Mikey didn't want to fall victim to bullying in the morning. Mikey was developing plans for escape if he did see Pete when he finally saw him. Pete was sitting on top of a table with Patrick, Joe, and Andy around him. Andy was talking to Pete, and Pete looked like he was whining or complaining. Patrick just looked like he was about to vomit and run away in tears at any moment.

Mikey and Ray sat down at a table and watched their friends play their game of tag. Mikey found his mind drifting off though. To homework... and platypi. He was halfway through a daydream when Ray brought him back into reality.

"Hey! The bell just rang!"

"Oh. Thanks." Mikey stumbled out. He got to his feet, gathered his things and went to his first class; Literature.

Mikey had finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird the night before. His teacher was slightly outraged by the fact that she had to assign him another book already. She slammed a copy of a Separate Peace onto his desk. "READ THIS!" She screamed. Mikey was almost done with it by the end of the period.

Mikey was joyous when lunch came rolling around. His mom had packed him a piece of the pie she had made the night before. He ran out to the steps outside to sit with Ray, Frank, and Gerard. They were chatting excitedly about music and other things when...

A sandwich was thrown, hitting Frank in the face, forcing him to spill the contents of his thermos on his lap.