Status: Slowly Active

In the End


It was December 2012 when things changed drastically. Some blame the oncoming apocalypse unleashed by the wrath of God, others blamed the planetary alignment and there were some that just blame mankind. Whoever there was to blame, it didn’t matter because it happened. Figuring out who was the cause of the problem wasn’t the important thing, it was figuring out how to fix it that should have been the real goal. Monsters was a term you heard a lot, that and virus or plague.

What ever it was, people were taught to go into hiding and be ashamed. If someone was “infected” they would barely even admit it to themselves, once others found out someone else was “infected” immediately they would ostracize that person for fear of catching something. The so called infections came gradually and if those who were smart enough knew that it wasn’t infectious, it was genetic. To elaborate, something caused the chemical makeup of quite a few people to change drastically.

Something changed either environmentally or metaphysically to cause people to mutate in such a way that horror films began to be the source of information to look into in order to find out just what people were turning into.

Like most Hollywood films things can be overly dramatic but the real life happenings were different yet very similar. During the outbreak there was the hysteria and mass paranoia. People were worried about changing themselves and worried they would catch the change from someone else. But the change varied.

Much like the famed horror movies people changed into different creatures. One of which was the werewolf. This one was a lot like the fables, where the person changed at the full moon into a full blown feral beast, nothing could control them aside from intense tranquilizers, chains strong enough to hold the golden gate bridge or a bullet to the skull. Problem was by the time the person realized they were changing it was too late. Either that or most people couldn’t afford the tranquilizers that were fit for rhinoceroses. A werewolf’s strength was unparallel to anything else. But the next creature was a dozy because of Hollywood fables.

The most over romanticized creature of the night that you could ever think of---the vampire. In the age old tradition these creatures burn in the sun, but not to the extreme of turning into ash. More so these vampires blistered almost instantaneously and become nearly blinded in the daylight. Going back to the movies they do require blood to sustain life but only because of the amount of white blood cells that can be carried in the blood, that fight off the decay and infections, for their bodies no longer produce any sort of protection against disease or absorb much nutrients through normal eating. The ones that turned into vampires were the lucky ones because just a glass of blood a day kept the doctor away.

Out of all the creatures the worst probably was the living flesh eating zombie. They had it off the worst because out of all the things you could turn into who the hell wants to be a zombie. Zombies wanted flesh, pretty much everything that they have to eat has to be completely raw meat; most of the time still warm and breathing. It was completely against social norms; cannibalism.

Unfortunately for the weaker willed who turned into zombies, there were some brutal killings. Even more unfortunate, there were a lot of people out there that were not strong willed. Zombies got bad reputations because of this, most that turned were killed upon discovery for fear that person would lose control then go on a rampage. Like vampires they needed to sustain life on the raw meal but unlike vampires they could not be satisfied with just a donor bag full of blood. Everything was about control and moderation.

There were other creatures such as mermaids, centaurs, and other seemingly mythical creatures but those not listed didn’t have it as hard as the others because the instinct to feed on the living was never an issue. Mind you only about 45% of the population of the world changed but it was just enough to put people on guard. Those who changed had their days numbered until the day came when the other 65% of the world decided to start hunting the now creatures. It would be a day of terror and things never could be taken back. Innocent lives will be lost and so will humanity. That’s where this story will begin, when the government loses control and the hunts for certain parties began.
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Here is a brand new story that is starting, it is an original. Two other talented authors will be writing in this nice little Trifecta story. This is the prologue and I will post the first chapter soon. Hopefully its good.