Status: One shot


keep your eyes on the sunrise, it will free the pain

The blue-green ocean waves crashed against the rocks below her. She edged forwards until she could just see over the cliff, gasping at how high she was. Fear took over her body and she backed up a few steps, sighing with relief when she couldn't see the rocks anymore, just the endless sea and the beach.

Her eyes became glazed as she thought about her past. Secrets and lies haunted her, even now with her future decided. Everyone she knew had simply turned into monsters - lying, cheating, sadistic monsters. Monsters she loved. Monsters she'd do anything for.

They wanted her dead.

Music blared in her ears, turned up as loud as it could go. She didn't have to worry about going deaf - what was the point, if she wasn't going to live long enough to go deaf? She yanked her earphones out for the last time and threw it over the cliff.

Her dress billowed around her knees, her long hair whipping behind her. Her dress was simple, just a plain white sundress. Her feet were bare which she had begun to regret - the trail up the cliff had a lot more sticks and rocks than she'd thought.

They wanted her hurting.

Her fear and pain were a thick stench in the salty air, the wind stinging her face. Her cheeks were rosy pink with the cold; it was the middle of winter. Her eyes squinted but didn't close - she couldn't stop staring at the view. The sun had just begun to rise over the water, the reds and oranges mixing like paint in the sky.

She pulled her phone out of the small pocket in the front of the dress, flipped it open and called her mother. She knew her mother wouldn't pick up the phone - perfect for what she planned. She was almost shocked by how well everything was going.

They wanted her silent.

When it asked her to leave a message, she was silent. She'd thought she would have a lot to say but now that it was the final moment, she was speechless. Finally, she whispered, almost inaudibly, "I'm giving you what everyone wants. Goodbye Mother." Her voice was taken away by the wind, but she thought the message would get through.

She closed the phone and looked at it for a few seconds, jumping when it began to ring. Panic flittered across her beautiful features, assuming someone had already found out her plan. But then she calmed, remembering this is what they want. With a hesitant throw, the phone sailed over the edge into the ocean.

They wanted her dead.

Her feet tiptoed to the edge again, fear clouding her face. Maybe she shouldn't go this way - maybe she could go home and try something else. But then she remembered the ringing phone. She had to go this way. And she had to go now.

Ignoring her trembling legs, she took a step back, drawing a breath in. Looking to the sunrise, she focused on that and imagined herself flying to it. A freedom grabbed hold of her body and soul, urging her to go forwards. With one last breath, she ran and jumped, watching the horizon as she fell.