

I never have been. I don't know if I ever will be. All i can really say on that matter is that I'm hopeful. Because sometimes that's all you can do. Is hope and pray that someday all the hard work will pay off. Mine hasn't yet, but I'm confident it will. Because it has to, because there's no other hope for me. Other girls my age have pretty little faces and pretty little boyfriends and perfect teeth and skin. But this is all I've got. I don't even have a name in this town. Just "Twiggy". Just Emily "Twiggy" Banks. And even though they may call me Emily, it doesn't feel like my name. No matter how it's printed on my birth certificate, or social security card. It doesn't feel like me.

I used to be Emily. Back when i was happy, and I smiled often. Back when I was in love with the world. Back when i was pretty. But I'm not now. Emily is gone. And now I'm just Twiggy. Only I'm really not. Nowhere close to it. I still have flab on my thighs and just under my breasts. I can only count the first two ribs without feeling for them. My collarbones are just now becoming prominent. I wish I was Twiggy. I wish I was this skeletal mass of a being. Because so far all I am is this empty shell of a person. I'm so full. Full of empty. I want to be less. Weightless.