Status: In process

Never Believe

Chapter one

There's nothing more dangerous and more deadly than a human being who has nothing to lose...

I don't believe in fiction because it is what it is "fiction". That's why I never read such stupid stories that involve fiction, especially when they involve nonsense like vampires falling in love with humans or werewolves.
I rather read stories that have facts because in the end that's what life is all about, cold hard facts. Sadly not a lot of people agree with me. This "people" believe in romance and fiction, isn't that ridiculous?
I pity them...exposing themselves to "fairy tales" and believing in them, too bad they'll be disappointed when they realize that there's no such thing.

But when you live in a small town I suppose you can get bored and you're going to want to make something up just for fun. People like to pretend, however, I don't. I'm happy living with the facts and with what they call "boring" because that's the only thing that's real.

Waking up every morning to see my parents silently resenting each other and pretending to love one another just for their child's sake (me of course) is real. Getting bullied at school by the so-called "Popular" girls making me feel like scum everyday is real. Never being asked out by a guy is real. What's real is feeling like I'm carrying the weight of the world everyday.

Who has the time and the hope to believe in things that never and never will happen?

"Miss Gumble!" I jolt my head up from the desk and looked at the teacher with surprise. The laughter of the students in the classroom resonated throughout the hallways. What are they laughing at?

"Miss Gumble!"

"Yes?" I answered. "I don't care if you are tired or bored from this class, but please keep your snoring at a minimum." said the teacher as he turned his back towards the white board. Oh...that's what they were laughing at, didn't think that i could snore so loudly.

The bell rang and as everyone stampeded throughout the hallways, I came out last. A long day at school is over and like always I'm the fool of entertainment for these morons. Like I could do anything to prevent that, even teachers don't care about it just as long as they get paid of course.

On my way home I decided to eat dinner at the diner since I had a feeling that mom didn't have anything done. I didn't want to take a chance, I'm too hungry and besides I rather have pancakes at "Joe's Diner" than have burnt chicken nuggets and a half cooked potato.

As I sat down Bertha the Diner's waitress went immediately to my table. "Hi sugar, what'd you like? The usual?" she asked me with a big bubbly smile. Bertha was amazing, even though she could have a million problems in her life, she still finds it easy to smile and be optimistic, the kind of quality I lack. "Yeah, I'll have the usual." I responded.

As I waited for the pancakes, I noticed someone new at the Diner. A peculiar man was sitting by himself, he was dressed funny and he looked like he's waiting for someone.
I ignored him and stared at my eating utensils.

I wish that my parents could stop the charade and the pity attempt to try and reconcile with each other when they just don't want to. They can't even be alone with each other for too long because then mom starts to talk about dad's affair with another woman at work. Then before you know it, they are up to each others throats, really if my parents don't divorce I have a feeling that I will hear the words "domestic homicide really soon" No, I'm going to think about this anymore because here I am at Joe's Diner and Bertha is going to bring me my favorite dish soon and I don't want this joyful moment, one of very few, to be destroyed by thoughts of my parents psycho relationship. I refuse to ruin my only little piece of heaven, Strawberry Pancakes.
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It's short but I want to see if it's like enough to be continued. Please let me know any criticism is warmly welcomed.