Love Like Winter

Pretty Necklace

''Wake up sunshine!''

Bang, the curtains were pulled off.

''Grandma, could you please, oh just please once let me sleep like a log and not wake me up?!'' I groaned and took a pillow. I covered my face with it hoping I'll choke then die.

''I didn't want to disturb you, but it's such a beautiful day, you could go out and enjoy your vacations, bella!'', grandma was persistent with her intention.

I groaned yet again and looked at the time on my phone.

6:30 a.m.

''Rise and shine, come on, breakfast is waiting then you go out!'', granny cheered.

''Fine, fine...'', I stumbled on my clothes while I was getting out the bed.

''Quickly, you don't want to miss this pretty day!'', again, she cheered and then went out my room.

''Stupid, shitty, stupid, stupid'', I kept mumbling while I was digging trough my clothes to find something to wear. Finally, I picked out a short zebra dress and took the sandals with the almost same pattern. After a few minutes I finished my make up; smoky eyes and I applied violet contact lens. Last but not least I went down to breakfast.

''Where are you going out so pretty today? Ahh, I'd prefer to talk l'Italiano con te, bella. I am not so good at English, you know'', my grandpa greeted me as I sat down at the table.

I laughed, ''you can talk Italian, and I'll try to understand you'', I said while chewing my pancake.

''Hmm.. Perche tu si alza oggi a prime ore di mattina? Tu sei al vacanze, si?''

I put down my pancake and said, ''what the hell did you now say?'', looking at him like he talked Russian.

He laughed, ''why are you up so early?''

''Oh that'', I continued to chew, ''grandma woke me up. She's rather cheerful today.''

He nodded, ''that's nice bella, now eat that up, where are you going today?''

I swallowed the last bit of the pancake and said, ''to Vicenzo's. And then off to the city''.

''Very nice! Now eat that up, and go outside, it's a beautiful day!'', he messed my perfectly straightened out hair. Hooray grandpa.

''Will do...'', I mumbled as I got up on my feet.

7:20 a.m.

I was up on my way to Vicenzo's house. I thought they'd be up at this hour considering Felix had told me to be at their house at eight. I was wrong.

I knocked on the door, rang the bell, shouted their names a few times, and nothing.

They were asleep.

''Stupid guys'', I mumbled and relied myself on the door, but the door opened and I fell into the house.

So much for safe keeping the house.

I got up on my feet and went down the hallway. Everything was just as I remembered from last summer; nothing had changed, except maybe a few plants. I didn't get to see the whole house yesterday because we went straight into the kitchen.

I opened the last door on the left; my uncle and aunt's bedroom to find the three of them sleeping on the same bed. Luke had was on the left side, on the edge of the bed, while Felix and Vicenzo were all over the bed, in the underwear.

I giggled, but a bit too loud, so Felix opened his eyes and let out a girly scream.

''Ohmygosh!'', he sighed, ''I thought... you were someone else'', and covered his face with a pillow.

''Felix shut up man...'', Vicenzo mumbled but then opened one eye and saw me laughing.

''Wha, what's funny?'', Luke yawned and sat up on the bed. He noticed me laughing and then raised his eyebrows, ''oh'', he let out.

''Stalker. God knows what she did to us while we were sleeping'', Felix mumbled under his breath and took the sheets to cover himself as if he had sex, was naked so he needed to cover himself.

I giggled again, but this time I covered my face with hands innocently.

Vicenzo smirked and got out the bed while Luke was still stretching on it.
''I'm off to the bathroom people, Allie we'll be ready in a few seconds'', he said before he went off to the bathroom.

Felix grabbed some clothes and went to change, while me and Luke were still in the room.

That left me and Luke alone.


I sat on the edge of the bed, and took my phone.

''Heya, we didn't get to know each other a lot'', Luke started and rolled a bit closer to me.

I smiled and turned around to find him laying next to me, laying on his back looking at me with a smile as well.

''We didn't talk a lot'', I said.

''Pass me the butter, don't put it on 250 Celsius, or the crust will burn? It's about fifteen words, that's a lot'', we winked.

I smiled and turned my cell phone off, ''funny Luke, funny. So are you and Vicenzo from the same school?''

He nodded, ''same school, actually, we're best friends, as he said, actually, me him, Eden, Felix and Tony''

''Eden?'', I asked, confused a bit. Vicenzo never mentioned him, although he used to talk about Tony a lot.

''He's also in class with us, you'll meet him eventually'', he sighed and turned onto his stomach.

Our eyes met by accident, and that lead to a smile.

''So, do you have any hobbies?''

''Swimming, how about you?''


''How can you keep up a figure like that without training something?''

''Look at my cousin, he's pretty without training''

''At that di Rossi sarcasm. You have to love it''

''Who doesn't?''

''Everyone does''

''I thought so''

At that point Vicenzo entered the room and we were caught by surprise. He stopped and raised one eyebrow with his hands on his hips, ''am I interrupting something?''

''Nope, just a friendly talk from friends'', Luke answered and rolled off the bed.

''Just talked. Nothing else you perverted mind'', I said as I got up the bed and stretched.

''Me? Never. Okay, meet you in the living room love birds, going to put on some parfumeee...'', and he danced out the room singing love is in the air.

Luke pulled off his undershirt.

I raised one eyebrow and glared at him and his muscular and fit body.

''What? I'm not gonna strip naked, only gonna change my shirt'', he threw the undershirt on the bed. He put on a black shirt and simple jeans.

''Nothing...'', I mumbled under my breath.

He got closer and pinched my cheek.

''Don't do that grandpa'', I looked fiercely at him.

''Grandpa? Do I look that old?''

I nodded, ''kind of'.''

I noticed a necklace around his neck; I haven't seen it before though.

''I like your necklace. Where'd you get it?'', I asked and touched the small white stone.

He opened his mouth, but then stopped – and answered, ''a... a friend gave it to me.''

''I like it! Can you borrow me it, please, please?'', I made a puppy dog face and put my hands like I was praying.

He rolled his eyes and then said, ''okay, you can have it. Just, don't break it''

''Fine, fine'', I let out a small sigh and put my hands around his neck. He wasn't expecting that; he looked me straight at the eye with his a bit open. I pulled on a small, calming smile while my fingers were searching for the small buckle of his necklace. Finally I found it and I took the necklace and put it on myself.

He leaned his head a bit to the right and then said, ''looks better on you''


''Luke! Alessandra! Where the hell are you already? We're going without you!''

Felix was mad. That wasn't a good sign.

''We better be going now'', Luke quickly pulled back.

''Yep, let's go''
♠ ♠ ♠
Is this one longer, or is it just me?
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