Status: Thinking.....Writing....Chapter!

Only Christ Can Save Me

Chapter One

M. Shadow's velvet voice ran from my car speakers as I drove to pick up my best friend Meanna form our house. Both of us live just north of UCLA campus for our sophomore year of college in Cali. I was on my way from a current job at Forever 21 and needed to change before the Avenged Sevenfold concert. I was so excited to get to see my most favorite band in the entire world. Johnny Christ is my favorite, partly because we were the same height but mostly because I played bass just like him and loved it. I pulled my Mini Cooper in to the driveway and practically ran inside of my house. As soon as I opened the front door M. Shadow's velvet voice hit me again.

"Meanna!" I yelled over the heavy thuds of The Rev's drum kit. "Meanna!" I walked over to the ihome on the book case in the living room and turned it down a few notches. "Meanna!"

"What?" Came calling back at me and I knew she was in the bathroom.

"I'm back." I said

"Well I kinda got that when you screamed my name." I laughed, Meanna spoke sarcasm like a second language so did I.

I stepped down the hallway to the bathroom door to see Meanna doing her hair for the concert/ meet and greet. "Love your outfit." I smiled.

She was wearing a pair of shorty shorts, black and ripped. With her favorite Avenged Sevenfold shirt. When she stretched her arms and reviled her 6661 tattoo her hip. I matched mine on the back of my neck. We got them on my 18Th birthday as a sign the even when we are apart we still have a piece of each other. I let her be and went in to my room and walked into the closet and pulled outfit I had picked out almost a month ago. Then I found the shoes. The shoes were something I had been working on for weeks now. Black on Black chuck taylors that I had painted a death bat on to and other things connected to the band. Meanna had a made a pair just like mine :). After Meanna finished I commandeered the bathroom for my make up. Foundation, eyeliner, blush, shadow, mascara the works. I looked in the mirror, perfect. Checking the clock, 4:30 we had an hour to get there, with traffic we might be on time today.

I grabbed my phone, money, and tickets then yelled for Meanna. "Meanna lets go!"

"Coming." she yelled running to the kitchen "Got everything?"

"Phone, Money, Tickets..." I trailed off.


"Keys! Thanks Meanna, lets go." we couldn't get to my car fast enough. I pulled out of the driveway and drove out of the suburbs into the traffic of the highway. It was awful, despite the fact we had time to listen to the whole Nightmare CD. About halfway through Tonight the World Dies, my Dad called.

"Hi Daddy!" I spoke into my iphone.

"Hi Princess. What are you up too?"

"Oh just in traffic, on the way to the concert."

"Ohhhh the one your Aunt got you tickets for?"

"Yea" I laughed "How's Vegas?"

"Great, training is coming along beautifully. I've gain three pounds this week so far."

"Wow that's great, seeing as how it's only Tuesday."

"I know!" I could tell how excited he was about this Saturday "So, did you figure out who to bring with you? I got the penthouse at the Palms for you and whoever."

"Okay what are the rest of the plans?"

"Well, you need to be in Huntington Beach by Friday at 5 pm that when the jet leaves. Then we have dinner with the president and the other fighters that night and 8."

"Alrighty then. I will pack accordingly. Is Jenna coming? or is she already there?"

"If you don't mind she was just going to come with you."

"No I don't mind at all."

"Okay I'll let her know. I'll talk to you later I've got to get back. Love you, princess."

"Love you too daddy!" I squealed and hung up the phone.

"Your Dad?" Meanna asked after I sat the phone down.

"Yea he was telling about the championship the weekend end. He has already set everything up and told me I need to bring friends to Vegas this weekend, all expenses payed. As usual. You up for it?"

"Duh" She laughed "My Dad called me earlier and said that your Dad had set up our room and things."

"Oh thanks for telling me." I smirked at her

"What?! I was told not too!"

"Oh fine." I had to take he word on it.

"So who are you going to take with us?"

"I have know idea"

"Well your Dad's jet only have what ten seats? I would be picky on who you take."

"Ha.Ha. I wasn't planning on take an entire party crew just a few is all. Four or Five."

"Okay, we should go shopping and packing tomorrow then drive up Thursday so we can just chill and not get jet lag."

"I totally agree! That's what we'll do."

I still had to find six friends to go to Vegas with me. I thought about it for a while but then I pushed it to the back of my mind the exit for the arena was coming up and I could see it as the adrenaline began to flow!
♠ ♠ ♠
Meanna's Outfit

Sabella's Outfit

Chapter One, I hope everyone enjoys! I've had this story in my head for a while. I'm hoping it will help get rid of the writer's block that I am having with Synyster Me. Tell me what you think!!!! Love you guys!

Enjoy. Questions? Comments? Concerns? Drop me a note :)