Status: Thinking.....Writing....Chapter!

Only Christ Can Save Me

Chapter Two

Checking the clock in my car, 5:30, yes we were on time. My Aunt Jamie's current boyfriend was none other than Larry Jacobson, A7X's Manager. As an early birthday present to me, Larry set up front row tickets and hang out time pre- and post concert. I pulled into the Staples Center to a short line by the security booth.

"Tickets or passes, please." the guard asked. I think he went to school with Meanna and I.

"Here." I showed our tickets and passes then added "Larry Jacobson said to tell you we are with him."

"Names?" He asked, pulling up a clipboard holding a list.

"Sabella Ortiz and Meanna St. Pierre."

"Okay" He checked off our names then gave me two other passes, adding "Wear these with your backstage passes and it will take you to your uncle."

"Uncle?" I questioned but he had already shut the window. I drove on forward into another line of cars. At the front I found another security detail.

"Parking Passes" the balding man in his mid-forties asked. Damn. I knew he forgot something so I told the guard what I had.

"He didn't give me a pass all he gave me was this." I showed him the punched, plastic car featuring a deathbat and the word band on it.

"Aye, Peter, come here." he yelled to a coworker near by.

"What is it?" He asked approaching my mini. All the first man did was show 'Peter' the cards "Ah" was all he said before motioning to follow him.

I drove to the back of the arena were I was told to park between two of the tour buses. The space was just big enough for my little car to fit and have breathing room on either side. Meanna and I got our of the car to meet up with the guard. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket, checking it I say a text from my Aunt Jamie.

Hurry up and get here I have big news!

Peter lead us through the back door and down a long hallway with a left right left turn pattern. At the end of a short hallway I saw a door with AVENGED SEVENFOLD printed in big bold letter on a piece of copy paper.

"This is it ladies" he stated matter of factually before leaving us.

Breath just breath I told myself. I glanced at Meanna and she gave me a big smile. It boosted my confidence and I slowly reached for the knob and pushed the door open. Before I could take in the room I saw a familiar face running at my own. My fabulous Auntie pulled me in to the death grip she claims is a hug. All the same I still love her.

After a thirty second scream and giggle fit I blurted out "What did you need to tell me?" Like I was a small child waiting for a surprise.

"Look" she said sticking out her had flashing her engagement ring. "I got engaged!" This caused a scream and giggle fit from Meanna and the pair of us.

"I see something has made my girls extremely happy." Larry, the new fiancee laughed

"Your girls Larry?" That's when I heard it the voice if the half god half human know as M. Shadows. I felt my eyes grow wide as Larry told Shadows who we were.

"This is my fiancee-"

"I thought she was your girlfriend?" A second voice asked and I knew it belonged to the angel know as Synyster Gates.

"Yes Brian fiancee as of about an hour ago."

"'Well congrats man" Shadows smiled

"Thanks" Larry beamed and continued with introductions "This is my soon to be niece Sabella Ortiz."

"Ortiz?" Zacky Vengeance asked popping up from no where. "Where have I heard the before?"

"Probably my father" I squeaked giggling.

"Who's your dad?" He pressed still looking puzzled.

"Tito Ortiz, the prize UFC fighter."

He gave me a once over and said "Damn. Daddy let you out of the house like that?" I was wear my favorite pair of extra short stone washed daisy dukes with a rip in the thigh and an Avenged Sevenfold shirt and of course the deathbat chuck taylors I painted.

"Actually, Zacky, I can walk out of MY house anyway I want." He just stood there. I couldn't help but laugh, Meanna did too.

"Oh and for further reference this is my best friend and house mate Meanna St. Pierre."

"St. Pierre?" Zacky questioned this time suspicious.

"Yes" she piped up "My Dad is George St. Pierre a prize UFC fighter as well."

"MMA royalty up in here" Synyster Gates laughed then went back to tuning his guitar for the show, Zacky joined him. Matt stayed standing to Larry and my Aunt for a while. Meanna went over to where Zacky and Syn were practicing. She played guitar like them so she could spout out all the lingo and understand what they said. I explored the room.

Next to The Revs drum kit, I saw a personal favorite of mine. Only because I lusted after it like Juliet to Romeo. It was Johnny Christ's bass. The beautiful craftsmanship that went in to it was unparalleled each string was as soft as silk and made the most deeply moving sound the could bring the angel Gabriel to tears.

I bent over to get a closer look at the humble detail the pressed such beauty into the big picture. "It's beautiful"

"Yea it is" I heard a voice close behind me say. I popped right up and turned to the faceless voice to see the equally as ravishing owner of the beautiful instrument. "Hi." He smiled "I'm Johnny, Sabella right?"

"Yea." I said a little confused, impressed, and creeped out at the same time.

"Matt told me." I giggle at his chuckle, and looked at the floor. I didn't know what else to do, Johnny moved past me and picked up the bass and brought it back to me for a closer inspection. I followed every glint gleam and curve of the body with my ice blue eyes. Each fret on the neck looked hand chosen and hand crafted by a master.

"Wow" I gasped

He smirked and asked "Do you play?"

"I ugh...." His questioned had caught me off guard but I found my answer "Yea six year"

"Do you want to play?" He asked thrusting it in my general direction.

"Oh I couldn't! I might break it!"

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Enjoy :) I hope you like it!!! Comment please!!! I know your really really gonna like the nest chapter!!!!!

PS If any of you read my Synyster Gates story called Synyster Me I will be posting at least one chapter today if not more :)

Question? Comments? Concerns? - Drop Me a Line!!!!
