Status: Thinking.....Writing....Chapter!

Only Christ Can Save Me

Chapter Four

"That was freakin amazing!" I exclaimed at Johnny once Meanna and I were back stage again.

"Thank you" He smiled giving me an unexpected hug. "What are you girls up to now that the concerts over?" Again another unexpected surprise.

"Umm..." I looked at my phone, "It's only 11:00 usually Meanna and I are getting ready to go to Toppers."

"What's that?" Jimmy, grinned butting into the conversation

"A club-"

"The hottest club in LA." Meanna interjected

"Which Meanna and I have total access too."

"Awesome!" Matt said "What are we still doing here?!"

We left the dressing room and went out the back door into the warm June night, a few stars could be seen hanging in the sky.

"Where's your car?" Johnny asked

"Over there between the tour buses." I pointed

He looked around and then said "Ugh where?"

I laughed, "Come here." I walked ahead of the group with Johnny in tow and leaned up aginst the bumper of my Mini. He hurried around and then took a step back.

"Whoa!" He said "A Mini!" Johnny walked over to get a closer look. "This is yours?"

"Yes, sir" I said with a cocky grin as I clicked the remote, unlocking the doors. "You wanna ride?"

"Hell Yeah!" He exclaimed, sliding into the passengers seat. I jumped into the drivers side and snickered at his eww-ing and ahh-ing at the interior. I started the car and reached up to a button, putting the top down.

"That okay with you? I asked.

"Perfect he grinned at me. I backed up into the middle of the lot and saw everyone standing around a large black escalade. I drove up and honked the horn. Meanna and Zacky jumped about 10 feet in the air.

"Sweet Car!" Brian said leaning into the car almost on top of Johnny.

"Dude, back up" Johnny said pushing him out of the car. I laughed at the boys being boys.

"Are you guys gonna fight all night or are we going to Party hardy?" I asked

"Drink Bacardi" Johnny said, I couldn't help but laugh at his joke.

"Meanna get in the car!" She turned giving me a pouty face. "Yes Zacky can come too." She mouthed thank you and came over to the car. I got out so they could get in the back seat.

"Sabella, we need to change!" Meanna said as she clicked her seatbelt next to Zacky.

"I know. Is that okay with you guys?" I asked glanceing to Johnny and Zacky, then Brian Matt and Jimmy.

"Yea sure" Matt said

"Mind if we change too?" Brian asked

"Sure" I grinned and pulled forward to the stop sign and waited for Matt to come up behind me. I reached down and grabbed my Aviators and put them on. "Nice" I told Johnny as he put his Mr. America glasses on matching me. He finally pulled up behind me and I pulled out. down the exit and on to a clear highway. About twenty minutes later I was pulling with to the front gate of my community.

"Spiffy." Zacky grinned

"Oh hush" I glanced into the back seat giving the night guard my security card, and telling him the Matt's SUV behind us was also coming to my house.

"Which one's yours?" Johnny asked as we drove down the road.

"This one" I grinned pulling into the driveway then the garage next to Meanna's Red Kia Soul.

"Wow." Johnny getting out of the car.

"Thanks" I blushed "Guys this way!" I called to Jimmy and them getting out of their car. They all walked into the garage and I hit the button to put it down. Then walked through the door and turned on the kitchen and turned on the lights. Meanna was right behind me and walked over to the fridge getting out the Bacardi 151 rum, Smirnoff Vodka 80 proof, Armaretto almond Liqueur, and 7-up plus 7 glasses. She filled them with ice and I started mixing the drinks.

"What are you making?" Johnny asked watching me mix and pour then repeat.

"357 Magnum, ever had one?" I asked glancing at all the guys.

I heard a chorus of 'No's' and one 'Once'.

"Your kidding right?" I looked up from my shaker, they just stared. "Well, try this." I pushed the glasses toward them. They took big gulps all at the same time. Then their reactions came.




"Thats good!"

"Can I have another?" Johnny said sipping down his first.

"Get through that one first and I fix you a 4 Godfathers before we leave." I left the counter and the boys followed. I showed them the house, including the living room. the guest room and the bathroom.

"Change were every you want." I said Meanna walked by with Zacky and took him into her bedroom. Johnny was still standing next to me, as the other guys had already branched off into the house to get ready. I sipped my drink awkwardly before saying shyly "Johnny do you want to see my bedroom?"

He smiled at me before saying "Yes!" I blushed and reached for his hand and walked him down the hall to the door at the end. 

"I hope you like it!" I said and pushed the door open letting him in. I walked, pulling him along into the room and I then I went behind him shutting the door.  I never thought once that going to this concert I would end up bringing the band home with me and then inviting Johnny Christ into my room.

"Wow" He said looking around "It beautiful!" 

"Thank you" I smiled and walked over to my closet and started to dig through the clothes.

"What are you going to wear?" He asked leaning up aginst the door frame, smiling.

"I'm not sure." I said continuing to dig

"Something sexy?"

"Maybe" I giggled

"Well I do wish you would!" He grinned at me before asking "Where's the bathroom, again?"

"Just go through that door over there" I pointed to one directly across my bedroom. "Thats my bathroom."

"Whoa." I heard him say before shutting the door. I found what I wanted to wear and slipped on my partying outfit quickly before he came back out. It was simple a pair of extra short white shorts and a black off the shoulder top with an accented bow. I paried it with jewlery and flat because I didn't want to be taller that Johnny. He stepped out of the bathroom the same time I shut the closet door.

"Hey Sexy" I heard behind me, I turned and grinned at him.

"Shut up" I blushed walking past him to do my make up at the my vanity. "Matt brought your bag in here, it's there by the door."


"So what are you going to wear?" I asked curious.

"I think this." He said stripping in front of me.

"Sexy, your self" I grinned after he took his shirt off walked back across the room and jumped up sitting up on the edge of my bed.

"Not as good as you." Johnny said slidding into the rest of his clothes.

"Johnny, your such a kiss-ass!" I layed back on my duvet.

"Naw, just tellin the truth." He said jumping up and laying next to me on my bed.

"Are not, so hush" I giggled

"I am." He said softly, rolling up on his side.

"Well I'm not either, your very sexy." I rolled up on my side, to look at his beautiful face.

"Thank you, Beautiful girl." He moved his face inches closer leaving centimeters between us.

"Johnny..." I blushed again looking down and back up only to find his face closer to my own, now millimeters away. Our lips were so close to touch, creeping creeping togethter and just as they barely touched. The door opened and we pulled apart, I glaned up to see Meanna stand changed with Zacky peering over her shoulder.

"Ready to go?" She asked like she had seen nothing.

"Yea." I said dully sitting up and slidding off my bed. Johnny came right up and walked as close as possible to me.

I looked up smiling at him and he smiled back before whispering in my ear "We can finish that later." My smile grew ten times as my heart jumped out of my chest with excitement. I walked into the kitchen to she all the guys changed and Meanna had sat out 7 shot glasses on the center island. Along with more bottles of alcohol.

"Whoa, now your breaking out the good stuff!" Zacky said sliding up onto a bar stool.

I poured 1 part Jack Daniels, 1 part Johnnie Walker, 1 part Jim Beam, and 1 part Jose Cuervo into each glass.

"What are you mixing up this time?" Johnny ask coming to stand by me

"A 4 Godfathers"

"Their's more than one?" Brian asked as the other three boys came around into the kitchen

I laughed "When it comes to alcohol, there are four, the tops" I passed out the glasses

"To a night of pure partying with new found friends!" Matt said, as a toast

"And maybe gettin laid!" Jimmy threw in as our glasses clinked

We chugged them back left the house and all jumped into the boys big SUV. With Johnny and I in the very back, he took the oppertunity to slid his hand into my on resting on my right leg. Meanna told Matt how to get to the club and I took the time to relvel in the fact that I was holding hands and just almost kissed Johnny Christ.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy guys!!! Just a filler!!!! A lil drama will be coming up at the club in the following chapters!!!!!!!! Promise!!! How about a comment or two? Please???


living room

guest room


Meanna's Bedroom.

Sabella's Bedroom

Sabella's Bathroom."

Sabella's Club Outfit

Johnny's Club Outift