Every Day Dawns Different....

First day.... how to stick it....


Riight, so here's my situation. I'm 17, in a band called My Chemical Romance, and life is pretty gooood.

At least, that's what I tell everybody. Only my yonger brother, Mikey knows how crap life REALLY is for me.

You see, I'm a vampire. Not the light, heat sensitive type, I don't turn to ash at the slightest ray of sunlight. And I can't be killed with a sliver stake, a bullet to the head would fix any problem you have with me.

But, yeash. I will suck your blood. and yes, I have fangs. I also, I have a very low body temperature, and I am very tough, new skin will grow back quicker than normal.

But no, I am not a night dwelling, bat creature. Yet.

''GERARD!'' Mikey yelled up the stairs at, like 6:30. ''Gerard! We're gonna miss the bus'!' I groaned and opened m eyes to the typical blackness of my room. It had no windows, just the door, and that is exactly the way I liked it. Black, very black.

I stood up slowly, and my arms and legs ached. They were slightly blistered from yesterday's sports session. It had been sunny, and we were outside.

I had forgot to put sunblock on, and therefore spent the rest of the day with my legs wrapped in cooling bandages.

A few minutes later, I switched on the light in my bathroom. It came on very dully, to let my eyes get used to the brightness.

I stood in front of the sink, washed my face, then picked up my eyeliner. I was getting pretty good at this, and I had to be. You, well, you can see where you're putting your eyeliner, but they hadn't created special vampire mirrors yet, and I couldn't see my goddamned reflection!

''Ouch..' I whined the third time my eyeliner pencil went in my eye. Okay, maybe I wasn't as good at this as I had thought. 'GERARD!' Mikey yelled, again. ''Yeah... alright! I'm coming, I'm coming!'' I put my hoodie on, and pulled the hood up after lathering my face in sunblock.

I quickly made my way down the stairs and out the front door before Mikey closed it on me. He had the only key. Bastard.

''You okay?'' he asked on the way to school. ''Yeah, my eyes just hurt. The sun's getting worse.'' I moaned as usual. ''You always say that!'' he replied back. ''I know, I know, but this time I mean it.'' I said. And shielded my face as we rounded the corner.

''Hey, Frank.'' I said, as he slammed into me, giving me a bone breaking hug. ''Hey, Gee! I missed you!'' he told me happily. ''It's only been a day, Frank! I haven't been gone for ever!'' I said.

''Yeah, but you looked so ill when you went home yesterday....'' he said worriedly. ''I'm okay now though.'' I told him confidently. At least, I would be if the goddamn sun went in!