Every Day Dawns Different....



There he was, stood where we said to meet. ''Hey, Gee. And.... Georgie?'' he asked Georgie, who had come along with me. ''Yeah,'' she replied with a smile. He nodded.

''So, Gerard, what was it that you wanted to tell me?'' he asked, and I blanked. No, I coulnd't tell him, couldn't do that to his sweet, innocent life. ''Um.... well, oh, Frank, I'm thinking about leaving school.'' I made up that excuse in record time.

He frowned. ''Is that all? That all you wanted to say?'' he asked, looking deep into my eyes. ''Yeah, Frank. Yes it is. Now, I have a ... um, detention I got to go to. I'll see you guys later.'' I got away quickly, and sighed. Sorry Frank, I'm soo sorry.


Leaving school? Is that all he really wanted to say?

And, a detention? Since when did he get a detention and not tell until 5 mins before it? Was it just me... or was Gerard acting very, very strange?

''Hey, Georgie. Did Gerard mention anything to you about a detention?'' I asked. She shook her head, looking as confused as me. ''Nope, and I've been in all his classes this morning, there's no way he could've got one without me noticing...'' she said bemusedly.

I agreed. ''And I was in them yesterday.... and the day before. And, leaving school? And not saying? I'm his best mate..... he would have told me!''

I was hurt. Gerard, leaving. Gerard, not telling. Gerard, secrets. Oh.. I think I did like him.... lots.... but I must have looked pretty distressed, cause Georgie got worried. She asked what was wrong, and I literally told her everything.

Including the Gerard is gay... bi.... what ever part.

And the bit about me liking him. Lots.
