Every Day Dawns Different....

How to say it.... (I love you)



Why. Did. I. Let. Him. Go. Why did I just let Frank walk off like that?

With Georgie.

The cheating bastard.

But, I wasn't going to show my emotion... I wasn't!


'FRANK! Why the FUCK did you walk off on me like that?' I yelled drunkley that night at a party.

''Gerard...'' Frank said calmly,'' We have already discussed this. I was annoyed with you! I need to get the fuck out for a bit. I came back.'' he defended himself.

''Oh, came back! Haha!'' I laughed back.

''Yeah, what's so funny Gerard?'' he got all angry.

''Well, Frank. I needed to taaaAALK TO YOU!'' I explained half-calmly. It kind of turned into a shout at the end. Oops. He got offended. Again.

''GERARD!'' He yelled. ''We've discussed this! TWICE already! Just... FUCKING DROP IT WILL YOU?!'' He screamed, then turned on his heel and stormed out of the door.


Oh. My. FUCKING. God! That man could be such a.... BASTARD sometimes!

''Frank... come back!'' he called out of the door.

I stopped walking and peered out from under my hood. ''Whaat?'' I said in my most venomous tone.

Gerard's face fell. ''Awwh, I'm sorry, Gee. I didn't mean it like that.'' I walked slowly towards him.

He looked up and smiled a sly smile. ''Frank... do you love me?'' he asked me.
