‹ Prequel: Senior Year!

Summer Break

Plane ride

They get ready for airport. Along the way, they make airport jokes and “Airplane!” references while they go through checking bags, (which by the way, isn’t the best idea because you might lose the luggage), security and finally they wait for the plane.

Austin does couples sudoku puzzles; Patrick messes with iTouch and giggles a lot and shows Austin porn pictures of girl models often. Bob plays games on his laptop, which we are all surprised to see him with laptop, considering the fact that either of us have laptop yet. Andy messes with his phone doing whatever. Jack listens to stupid rap songs and tries to talk gangsta to us, but fails miserably. Austin: “Jack, how times do I have to tell you? You ain’t gangsta!”

The plane arrives and they get ready and wait in line. Austin starts complaining about waiting in line. Patrick tells him that it can’t be bad as waiting in line for ride like they are going to do at the amusement parks. Austin agrees and gets on plane. They all try to get seats near each other but it doesn’t happen and the plane gets completely full. The flight attendant says they will allow tickets for later flight. Andy says this happens every time he gets on plane ride to California, and it doesn’t matter where in California, but mostly LA. Austin says that we shouldn’t be the ones to get off, because we did that before and we ended up losing each other throughout the whole trip. Two nice guys, who are actually brothers, presumably, get up.

The Big 5 are separated among the passengers. Austin sits with Andy and random person, who has mustache and sleeps most of the time. They create an interesting conversation, Austin tries to sleep even though it never works for him, especially on planes “It’s like sleeping on greyhound bus, it never works” he comments.

Bob sits with Jack and another guy. Bob and Jack have nice talk and learn a lot about themselves and each other. The 3rd guy jumps in every once in a while and Bob and Jack are annoyed by it.

And Patrick gets to sit next to two hot girls. One is swimsuit model named Alesha, who is Indian (not Native American, the other Indian), and Patricia, who is a slut. He makes out with both of them through most the flight and falls asleep on their shoulders.

The story goes back and forth between each of these parts of flight until the plane finally lands in the Big 5’s first destination; LA. Patrick gets up and finds out that Patricia and Alesha live together in LA and she asks if he can visit them sometime and maybe her family. Patrick agrees and gives her a kiss goodbye.

Austin appears and gives Patrick a high-five. Bob starts checking out Alesha. His eyes get wider; his mouth gets watery and drops as he stares at her body. He almost faints but Jack catches him. Andy looks down on him, and sighs. The Big 5 gets their luggage and gets out of airport and take cab to hotel.