Status: Posting chapters as they come!

All Or Nothing: Max & Mal

Bed of Lies

I sat on the edge of my bed pulling on my boxers followed by a t-shirt over my head.

“You know I won’t say anything right?” the blond who was dressing on the other side of the bed said. “I mean I know you have a girlfriend or whatever. Everyone knows now.” She said fishing her shoe out from under my desk bending down completely unaware she was showing off her undies yet again.

I just sighed picking up my phone calling my favorite taxi company. “The car will be here for you soon.” I say getting up heading down stairs with her. Her name was Liz or Lizzie maybe Eliza. I don’t even remember. She was cute, tiny, blond and overly affectionate. She was everything Mal wasn’t.

“Oh my God your dog is so cute.” She said immediately heading for Stanley who growled at her.

“I’d leave him alone if I were you. He hasn’t uh… been feeling well.” Stupid fucking dog who loved my real girlfriend, he would growl at the first random slut I brought home. “Do you need anything before you go?” I asked her trying not to just completely push her out the door.

“Nah. I’m good.” She said as the lights pulled up.

“Don’t worry about the taxi cost. I have an account. They know.” Even saying those words now made me cringe. “Have a good night.”

“Yeah good night Max. Have a good game tomorrow.” She said before trying to kiss me. I pulled away from her which might have been an asshole thing to do but I was already an asshole who cheated on his awesome girlfriend.

With the chick gone I sat down on the sofa by Stanley who sat there just staring me down with those big eyes judging me. Damn dog reminding me of the first time Mal was here.
“I know, I’m an asshole douche, fuck head that just screwed everything up and I don’t even know why.” I rubbed my hand over my short hair. It was the beginning of November and the season was finally starting to pull out of a huge slump as a team. “Stop looking at me like that you’re a dog you hump legs indiscriminately.” I said to him which only got him to heave a sigh at my attitude. “Yes I know I just compared myself to a dog.”

I got up picking up my phone thinking who I could call. Kris would flip out on me. He’s Mr. Committed and would give me a big lecture and as always would be right. Fucking bastard and his perfect relationship so I scrolled through my contacts looking for someone. Ah MAF. He was in a relationship but he got me. We were ridiculously close and he had put up with a lot of my shit on the road as my roommate. I dialed his number sitting back on the sofa. It was just barely 6am but a Groggy MAF answered.

“Allo?” he asked as I heard him start to walk obviously getting out of bed leaving his lovely Vero to sleep. “Max, did you kill a hooker? Do I need to get a shovel?” he said in an obviously teasing tone.

“No.” I said sighing. “I just cheated on Mal.”

“Oh…” he paused obviously thinking of what to say. “Do I need to get a shovel so we can go kill the hooker and put her out of her misery before Mal does?”

Leave it to Marc Andre to make me chuckle at a time like this. “Good idea but I do not think jail is fun here.”

“Ah good point.” MAF said with a sigh. “Why’d this ‘appen Max? I thought you were in love.”
I couldn’t stop from sighing. “I do not know. I was at Diesel and I really just wanted to get a drink and some music. I missed the loud music and people paying attention to me. Then it was just a bit ago and she was picking her clothes up and looking for her shoes. I know how it happened but it was like I couldn’t stop it.”

It was hell to explain. Mal was perfect and we always have amazing sex. We had been dating for nearly a year now and I was far from bored with her. She was everything I could ever want in a woman. Strong, and smart, edgy and honest… she could even take care of me when I was hurt on every level. How could I go and fuck things up like this.

“Are you bored?” I head MAF ask. He hushed his tone. “Sometimes it is easy to be tempted to stray when you’re bored.” I could imagine him checking over his shoulder making sure his Girlfriend wasn’t listening in. They had a rough patch over the summer and into the season this fall but were starting to get back on track again.

“No. I’m definitely not bored.”

“I know what it is.” He said softly. “You’re sabotaging yourself.”

Fuck him that fucker. I hate when that big grinning fuck was right it was almost as bad as when Kris was right. “How fucked up am I?”

“Well you are fucked up but this is normal. When Vero and I first got real serious I got stupid too and pushed her away.” I could hear him shifting around and then peeing my call prompting him to use the bathroom.

“How can I fix this man?” I asked tears of anger at myself starting to prick my eyes threatening to fall.

“I do not know.” He said flushing the toilet. “I guess tell the truth and take it like a man. Maybe get nunchuck lessons or something so she does not murder you.” He teased.

“No… it’s going to be bad. She’s not going to hurt me I’ve hurt her.” I said softly. “Thanks for picking up Marc. I’ll see you at practice later. Let me score in the shootout drill. I’m having a bad day.”

“No way you bastard.” He said with a laugh. “You have to work hard for your points like everyone else. I’ll see you later.”

With the call over I was left sitting on my sofa with my judgmental dog that was clearly on my Girlfriends side wondering how I could be such a fucking idiot.


I took Mal out to dinner with every intention of telling her but she was in such a good mood and I really didn’t want food thrown at me in public. It was starting to get cold so we took a walk before heading home all the while remembering our first date walking in the cold. The cold, her cute hat and her generally being the most perfect girlfriend were making things especially difficult. Finally we headed home where Stanley greeted Mal his tail wagging happily but continued to give me the cold shoulder. Damn judgmental dog. He was my pet first wasn’t he? It was obvious she wanted to stay the night and for a good 15 minutes while we made out on the sofa and I slowly took these sexy stockings she had on off her legs I was tempted just not to tell her but it was when Stanley got up removing himself from the room as if he was giving us privacy I knew I had to tell the truth. Damn dog.

“I’m sorry Mal I can’t do this.” I said getting up from the floor where I had been kneeling right in front of her kissing up her smooth legs.

“What’s wrong?” she asked more concerned for me no red flags going up in her mind making it more difficult. I wish she would just slap me and storm out knowing what I had done. That would have been easy.

I felt the tears prick my eyes again. “I….” I took a deep breath. “This morning at 5am a taxi left here carrying a blond I met a Diesel last night. I slept with her.” I laid out out there hanging my hand. “I fucked up.” I said unable to look at her. I could feel her sitting next to me unmoving. She wasn’t punching me so I thought at first this was a positive but then it set in this was so much worse. She hadn’t been expecting it. She was to the point in our relationship where she had total trust and faith in me. “Please…”

She swallowed hard enough for me to hear. Finally she moved picking up her stockings and slipping her heels on her bare feet. “Don’t call me or text me for a few days.” She said getting up from the sofa. She started to walk away but stopped putting a hand on my shoulder so softly it was scary. “I love you Max. I knew one day you would break my heart, I just didn’t think it would be today.” She bent down kissing my forehead refusing to meet my eyes though I could see hers also contained tears that were already falling. It was the most painful experience of my life to see her put on her coat and quietly walk out my front door.


“Have you heard from Mal?” MAF asked leaning across Sid’s lap on the plane to talk to me on the plane.

“No man. She hasn’t said a word. I asked Sarah and all she did was shrug and walk away. I kept pestering her and she told me to go away. I don’t know what to do.” I said not even really wanting to play the game with everyone or do anything anymore.

Upon landing I checked my phone as usual and found a waiting voice mail. I expected it to be from my family whom I always checked it with after a flight assuming it was a decent time. We loaded up the bus and I sat quietly listening to the message.

“Hey Max. It’s me. I wanted to let you know I’m going away. I’m going to London for a nursing conference and to spend some time with my Grandpa who is there on business.” She paused leaving my heart breaking as each second of silence passed. “Please don’t call or text me yet. I can’t handle it right now. I’ve told Sarah she can stop giving you the cold shoulder. I don’t want you to stop being friends with her because of me. I haven’t decided when I’ll be back yet. I took a leave of absence from work that starts once the conference is over next week. I’ll be in touch eventually because I care about you. You should be free though so please don’t wait around for me to come back.” I heard her take a sharp breath in as if trying to cut off a sob. “Consider yourself single if you want Max. Like I said don’t call or text me.”

The message ended and I was left stunned just as the bus pulled up to our hotel. I got off skipping the people requesting autographs and headed straight up to the room I shared with MAF once I got a key card. I texted my Parents telling them I was too tired to talk. All I could do was go to bed though I knew it would be impossible to sleep.
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This is why it took so long. I didn't want it to happen but it had to. Max & Mal are writing their own story as characters and I'm just following along it seems. As always I love hearing your comments. Please take a moment and leave me something!


Thanks for reading!