Status: In progress

Almost Lost


I don't know how I ended up in a hospital bed with a doctor standing beside me, but there I was. He was murmuring something to a boy...Peter. They both thought I was still asleep.
“...distractions lead to thoughts,” the doctor was explaining. “Stella's thoughts lead to images, and images sometimes lead to hallucinations. It's happened only twice before, but she's lucky you were there this time. Last time... well, last time it didn't go very well. She broke a window and almost killed herself. It was a big mess and the police got involved...” he trailed off. “Like I said: she's lucky you were there.”
“It's not true,” I said. How could he say that to Peter? The doctor's head snapped toward me, but Peter looked unsurprised. He looked at me and smiled.
“Hi, Stel,” he said softly. He had been worried about me. I was worried about me, too. “You okay?
What wasn't true? I was talking to myself again. But it wasn't in my head this time.
I was getting worse.
But I remembered that Peter had also asked me a question. “I'm okay,” I agreed. Wait, I wasn't agreeing. I was...I was asking. No, that's not it.
“Good. Doctor Brisbane said that you can go home if you're still okay in a week.” He smiled at me and I felt better than okay. Was I ever okay...? Yes, yes of course I was.
The doctor left. This time I wasn't the only one that forgot about him. Elena forgot, too. She giggled.
“What's so funny, Stella?” Peter asked. Elena stopped laughing.