Status: Andy Sixx Fan-Fiction

Lying Smiles


I sat at the dining room table for awhile longer. Even though I was alone I felt crowded. My heart pounded in my ears and my hands were shaking. Acts like that were very unlikely for Andy, he was always so gentle, so sweet. Grandma Jane did not come back into the room, I assumed that she went to her room or into her office, either way, it did not matter. All that mattered was Andy.I pushed my chair back and stood. The broken glass still littered the floor, I knew I'd be stuck cleaning that up later.

Once outside of Andy's door my nerves became even worse. From the bottom of the stairs I could hear his music, now it was even louder. I twisted the knob and pushed the door open. Inside, the room was a complete mess. Glass from who-knows-what covered the floor, papers every where, blankets and pillows on the opposite side of the room... It has never been this bad before.

"Andy?" I asked, he could not hear me over the music, "Andy? Hey!".

Still nothing. I walked across the room and shut the music off, this stirred him. He pushed himself up and turned to look at me.

"Andy... Andy are you okay?", I asked, still keeping my distance.

He closed his eyes for a second and then sat up, his legs hanging off the edge of the bed.

"Come here," he said and held his arms out to me.

I went to him slowly, my nerves were still getting the best of me, but I knew Andy would not hurt me. He was just mad... Right? I sat next to him on the bed and let him wrap his arms around my shoulders. He buried his head in my chest and sighed. I'll admit, I was very uncomfortable being like this, but I would not dare tell Andy this. He would only get angrier.

"Echo, I am so sorry, okay? I did not mean to blow up like that in front of you. I'm not like him, I swear I'm not. It's just.. Jane pisses me off so much. How could she even think of leaving you here on your own. Your not fit for that, not yet. I won't leave you, dear. I'm not leaving."

I wanted to believe him, but how could I? How can I truly believe in anything...
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, okay, so I havent updated this story in a really really long time. I'm so sorry for that.
I know I always say that I'll be updating this more, well, that never really happens. So, i'm not going to say that I'll be updating this all that often. I wont end it here though. No way!

Honestly, I have such big plans for this story its crazy. I just need to be inspired and I'm just not. Not yet at least. I'm going to spend the rest of my night listening to BVB and such and hopefully that will spike some inspiration, but I'm going to need YOUR help too!

So, if you want to see this story go where I plan for it to go I need you to do ONE thing!
COMMENT! SUBSCRIBE! don't be a silent reader, no one likes silent readers! If you leave TONS of comments on here then it'll definately make me want to write more, but if you dont... well you know.

- Nashh Drew