Status: Short Story!

Dream In Fear


I'm there now, trapped inside what seems like an alternate universe, but it's only real in my mind. It's dark, only a dim light shines directly in front of me, everything is blurry.

She's here, I can't see her, yet, but I can feel her presence. She glides around me, oblivious to the fact that I can now see her dark silhouette. She moves closer. Her presence is painful. Like knives digging into the skin on my back.

I know not to look, I've seen her before. Her black hair falls down around her face, covering her piercing eyes from meeting mine. Her gown is tattered and torn, just as it has always been.

Sadness washes over me before the fear sets in, this is how it has always been. My subconscious mind warns me that she is coming closer. She wants me to look at her, meet her gaze and transfer my helpless soul into her shallow world.

"Close your eyes! She's here! Hurry, don't look!" my mind screams to me in warning

I obey, shutting my eyes tight. I feel her touch me, her hand pressing firmly against my back. I feel the all to familiar sensation of her burning hands. I don't dare to move, I refuse to look, even though fear is getting the best of me. I want to scream, push her away and run, but I on't. Instead my conscious mind overtakes me and brings me out of the other world.

I awake, safe in the comfort of my bed. A shadow passed before me and I remember. This isn't just a nightmare, it's reality.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, any good?

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